35 Words That Sum up My Life...right Now!

By Writtenbymorgan

I’m still in shock that it is April and I’ve just celebrated my 25th birthday – is it just me or is this year going at a speed of what can only be described as a freight train? I mean there is only five months to go and J and I will be back home in Brisbane, soaking up the sun and enjoying the company of family and friends and the people who we have grown up with. And since we are still having the time of our lives living here, I know the year is only going to continue at the pace it is currently going at.
After reading the list that Brooke shared on Blonde Ambition and Nikki on Styling You(two fellow Brisbanites). I thought this was a neat way of sharing how this year is panning out for me.
Here it is…35 words that can be used to easily sum up where I’m at right now in 2014.
a bucket list in my head of what we’re left to see/do/experience here in Edinburgh before we leave in August.

There is so much left to see and do in this fabulous city.

Cooking: hopefully a lot salads and food to grill on a BBQ since the sun is starting to linger around longer and longer each day for us all in the Northern Hemisphere.
water with lemon and cucumber slices, it is quite refreshing and making me feel a little bit healthier (who am I trying to kid).
Reading: How to Travel the World on (US)$50 a day by Matt Kepnes, the genius travel blogger behind Nomadic Matt. It is a great read and very useful for our trip around Europe, especially as we aren’t very good at saving.Wanting: a lighter jacket for Spring/Summer wear.
Looking: my travel scrapbooks I made from 2012 until now and reminiscing.

My travel scrapbook journal.

Playing: The Waifs “How many miles” which is reminding me of my island home.Deciding:
 to start doing my morning exercise regime again. To make up for all the pizza/alcohol/chocolate I’ve consumed lately.
 we had saved more money so we could travel via Canada and the USA on way home to Australia, but we’ll just have to wait to do that in a year or two.
 frozen yoghurt from Meadowberryand milkshakes and gelato from Mary’s Milk Bar, they are the best things to have on a sunny day here in Edinburgh.
Waiting: to get paid this week so we can book our plane tickets from Istanbul to Brisbane (home).
Enjoying: living in such a wonderful city, that is small in comparison to other capital cities, yet you could literally try something new everyday. Like last night was my first time at Studio 24, where I danced till 2am to 50’s/60’s tunes.Wondering:
 how our last few months in Edinburgh are going to pan out.
 being able to share all these great travel experiences with my love.
 what travel was like in the 70’s, without Facebook and Skype, I think I would have preferred it back then. When there were so many places left untouched and yet to be discovered.
 walking the West Highland Way still for our May break, it’s that, or going camping on the Isle of Skye or at Loch Lommond.
 Sex and the City episodes and other rom-com style TV shows that keep me from writing.
I can manage to pack up my backpack in August without any tears like last time, you can read about my first blog post here.
 at the leaves on the trees slowly growing back and the few Cherry Blossoms jotted around where I live.
 to have cocktails with my besties as soon as I get back to Brisbane.
Smelling: the cooking coming from our kitchen. I think the flat mates are having tuna pasta for dinner tonight.
Wearing: winter pj’s still, even though it is spring, alas I do live in Scotland.
Following: awesome blogs that inspire me constantly.
Noticing: how much stuff (crap) one can accumulate in two years.
how difficult it is going to be to leave Edinburgh.
Thinking: how terrible I am at golf and how much I really want to go swimming in the ocean, but I’ll probably have to settle for a swim at the local (it is Scotland after all).

Last year I managed to swim at the beach in North Berwick (for about five whole minutes).

 positive, blessed and inspired, it’s the little things that count.
my beautiful Sister for going to back to university and chasing her dreams.
stuff (in my head) that will need to be packed up and sent home, or I can sell or giveaway to friends and charity shops.
Buying: presents for two Canadian friends who used to live here and for my Mum’s birthday.
And a new scrapbook journal for my trip home.
 excited about all the travel in my sights in the next five months.
Bookmarking: my Lonely Planet: Europe on a shoestring guidebook on the pages marking the countries I’m visiting in the month of August.
 that I’m still sleeping in my winter pj’s.
the foil wrapping on my Lindt dark chocolate bunny.
Giggling: last night with some of my colleagues on their rooftop about customers, and how I used to drink Pasion Pop when I was young and didn’t know any better.
If you want to join in on the 35 words list fun, then copy and paste the following. And maybe comment about one or two or them in the comments section.