Don’t let the sweet face fool you… this is one tough pacer!
Another Monday, another day of cross-training & rest. I’ve said it before, but it is still true: it feels odd starting my week with a day off.
But cross-training is useful, and all workouts are more fun with a training partner… mine today just happened to have four legs and a tail wag that could power a turbine.
Leo has gotten blue over the winter being stuck inside all day, every day. So I’m trying to get him out for walks around the neighborhood and eventually the metroparks as I can. He has some doggie pudge, so he the exercise just as much as I do.
I’ve developed a walk around the neighborhood that is around 3.5mi, which is enough to wear Leo out at the moment. But today was not a good day for that route.
Wasn’t it just Spring yesterday?!?
I watched the news this morning, so I knew it was supposed to be cold again (grr….). But I thought the sun would counteract it and make it comfortable again. Yeah… I was wrong. The ambient plus the wind made it REALLY cold to be out with exposed skin. My hands started to burn from the cold, so I couldn’t keep either Leo or myself out there for the entire 3.5mi. I called it at a bit over 2mi.
Damn. I want Spring back.
However, there is good news to balance the suffering. Stacy replaced the blender, so as I type this I am enjoying a nice, thick cookies-and-cream GNC shake as my afternoon snack. The old one leaked into the base and shorted out. Hopefully, I can keep this one working longer.
And Garmin is still derping with their website, so no Garmin Connect links yet. Maybe tomorrow…