
By Leslielazard @leslielazard

Spring – that time of year where we clean out our closets, update our wardrobes, see the gorgeous flowers begin to bloom, and gain an extra hour of sunlight (always a plus)! The start of any new season symbolizes change, but personally I think no other season exemplifies this more than Spring. And speaking of changes – let me tell ya’ll, I have been going through a ton of them lately! From opening my own business on Valentine’s Day, and did I mention I got engaged on the same day? To buying a new home with my fiance’ (can’t wait to decorate it!), change has been front and center these past few weeks. But as they say, change is good…right? So, in honor of the first day of Spring and the season of change, I’ve decided to begin again on this blogging journey. Less outfit posts this time around and more lifestyle, decor, and inspiring content. It feels good to be back! Happy first day of Spring!

(image via Sarah Tucker photography)