3/19 – Half Marathon Training

By Christopher Orr @BlkSwmpRunnr

This IT band issue has kept me from training for yet another day. I am growing annoyed, but I have hope that will be over soon. Each day it seems to be getting significantly better. At this point I figure the light at the end of the tunnel is either daylight or a gorilla with a flashlight.

But there are two events of interest that happened today!

Event #1: My Kona Kase arrived in the mail! By using the coupon code from Competitor magazine, I was able to get this month’s box for only $10. Not a bad deal to get what was in this month’s box: GU, Picky Bar, Quest Bar, Sport Beans, Nuun, and Honey Stinger… a pretty good variety, even if there is nothing in the box I wasn’t aware of.

I am hoping that future boxes will introduce me to new and unusual products. But I can’t complain for now.

Event #2: I signed up for the March 4 Team Hoyt “5k” at Bar145 being held this Sunday, March 23. Not an actual race, instead it is part of a fundraiser for the Hoyt Foundation. Bar145 is setting up two treadmills inside the restaurant and is hoping to have two runners going at a time starting at 9:00am.

I would urge any Toledo runners to sign up and join me at Bar145 for this event. It is for a great cause, and you get 25% off your tab as a runner!