3/12 – Half Marathon Training

By Christopher Orr @BlkSwmpRunnr

On the plus side, I think I’ve gotten over the worst of whatever I picked up over the weekend. That bug was rough, but relatively short.

On the minus side, Toledo received a metric ton of new snow this morning and the storm shut down this corner of the state yet again. Seriously, we were under a Level 3 Snow Emergency. Everything from the YMCA to the University of Toledo was shut down.

So, while I briefly considered resuming my runs today the decision was taken out of my hands. Probably not a bad thing as I have a bad habit of trying to come back way too early from illness and injuries.

All of this is making me glad that I’m training for the half mary at Glass City. I have the base for a quick half marathon already, so losing some training time is not devastating. If I was trying for the full in April, this would be really worrying me about now.

I don’t think I’m alone in being quite done with this winter. Spring needs to come sooner rather than later – or at least winter needs to back off a bit. I need my trails back, dammit!