31 Things That Inspire Me

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

As I count down to my 31st birthday I’m thinking about how awesome my life is. Things aren’t always roses and sunshine – but that’s life man – and I know that when I’m able to take a step back and think about all that I have, I’m lucky.

So, without order or priority here is a list of things and people that inspire or have inspired me in my life. I hope that maybe they inspire you too and that you’re as lucky as I am.

1. Love: In any and all contexts, love is an amazing thing. The support and respect and magic that it provides never fails.

2. Community: When a group of people comes together because they like something, believe in something, support something or want to create positive change I am inspired and want to be part of something great as well.

3. My Parents: Their love and support and hard work to raise, shelter, educate, push and nurture me is commendable and I know that I am lucky to have them.

4. My Friends: No matter where I have lived in my life I have had great friends around me. They have helped me through tough times and celebrated with me in good times. They have shown me the kind of love that exists through respect and mutual adoration.

5. My Granny: She was a great lady who loved and was loved. I miss her still and always will. She (and my gramp) took me in when I needed them and showed me love in a hard time when I was just a kid trying to figure things out. She was funny and kind and tough and caring – we were all lucky to know her.

6. Music: Great songs move people. The creativity and talent that it takes to make music amazes me in a wonderful way.

7. Great Writing: I don’t care what the subject matter is. Great writing makes me want to write and makes me want to be a better writer. Writing isn’t just a gift or something people are good at, it’s hard work and I am inspired by great writers who continue to work hard at their craft.

8. Story Telling: Whether it’s done in song, writing, movies, TV or told to a small group of friends around a camp fire with drinks in hand – I love story telling and the passion and laughter and emotions that come with it.

9. Charity: There are a lot of people who need help in our world and there are a lot of people out there doing their very best to give it to them. Every time I see someone working hard to create change or make life better for people I am inspired and honoured to be part of the things that I can be.

10. Batman: Yes he’s a fictional comic book character, but he’s more than that. Now he is legend. He is immortal in our culture and the stories and humanity and emotion that have been written and told are layered and real and deep and flawed – just like real life.

11. Perseverance: Life ain’t easy man. It knocks us down and drives us backwards. But when people decide that they won’t let that stop them, when they pick themselves back up and move forward towards their dreams and goals – that’s inspiring!

12. Leadership: Great leaders bring something to the table that you sometimes can’t put your finger on. Their passion and trust and respect and ability to bring people together and get them to work towards a common goal is amazing.

13. Sport: I’m not talking about sports individually. I’m not talking about hockey or baseball or basketball, I’m talking about the spirit of sport – the perseverance and drive and desire and hard work that it takes to be the best and compete and practice to be better because you love something.

14. People Who Smile At Strangers: I don’t really know how to explain this one. It just is. I know nobody is in the mood to smile all the time. But people who have smiles available when they pass strangers on the sidewalk – they are awesome.

15. Teachers: I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to teach me and my classmates back in the day. We were trouble makers and smart asses and we were there every single friggin’ day. I’m pretty sure kids have been like that forever. Good on the people who choose to dedicate their lives to helping us learn something.

16. Volunteer Coaches: Whether you coach hockey, baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, swimming, debate, chess, tennis or track & field – you inspire me. Much like teachers, it takes something special to want to give your time to a bunch of other people’s kids and help them to become better at something. It takes time and heart and patience that not all of us have.

17. Emergency Service Professionals: Police, Fire, EMS – whichever. If you put your life on the line on a daily basis to help protect and save lives you are a story of inspiration. And I thank you for everything that you do.

18. Art: I’m not visually artistic. I don’t have a keen eye for the details that make fine art fine. But I know that there are people out there who have amazing abilities to look at a blank canvas or wall or computer screen and see the potential that it has. You all make me wish I could do it too.

19. Beauty: I’m not talking about people as an example. I’m talking about the little things that are beautiful. Flowers and sunshine and the way nature presents pictures to us in real life that sometimes can’t be translated into photographs or paintings.

20. Web Developers: I’ve tried to learn a little bit of code and I know that it’s something I could probably learn more of. But to see people who can punch the keys and write the code and create a website that I want to spend time sifting through is pretty amazing.

21. Dreams: I’m talking about the kind of dreams that people work towards in their life. Travel and careers and homes and creating things – seeing people go after their dreams is inspiring.

22. Healthy People Who Live Life: Some people seem to take their health so seriously that they forget to have fun. Some people neglect their health so much you think their fun might kill them. But those people who can mix the 2, who have fun with their friends and live their lives and make healthy choices along the way inspire me to make decisions that are better for me.

23. Entrepreneurship: The decision to strike out on your own with an idea and plan and something to provide to the world is a tough one. And sticking with it, employing other people and making it work is both exceptional and inspiring.

24. Faith: I don’t necessarily mean religion, although that is part of it. I mean the ability to have faith when times are hard. Faith that right will win. Faith that the sun will rise and life will move on and things will be okay in some way, some how, even when it doesn’t seem like it at the time. That is inspiring.

25. Farmers: They are often unappreciated. They work hard. They don’t get rich. They provide the food and fuel that we need to survive. I’ve seen it first hand and it’s pretty awesome when you put it in perspective.

26. Survival: When times get hard, and I’m not talking about 1st world problem hard, I’m talking about war and abuse and famine – the people who survive and triumph and never give up are more amazing than they know.

27. Differences: There are a lot of awesome things about people. And one of them is that we aren’t all the same. We like different things, think different things, believe in different things – and for the most part we have it in us to come together and live. Our differences are a great thing.

28. Forgiveness: Sometimes in life people don’t get along. Sometimes it’s because of differences. Sometimes people make hurtful decisions. Whatever the case, the ability to forgive and move on and live our lives is something special and when it happens fully, without resentment – it is special.

29. Happiness: You know that look on someone’s face when they are smiling and their eyes are bright and their body language is open and jovial – that full on happiness is inspiring to see. It’s infectious. It’s awesome.

30. Clarity: Those moments when all the thoughts of the world and your job and stress and life just disappear and you can think about the bigger picture and what’s important in your life. I’m thankful for those moments and what they bring. There is inspiration to be found in those moments.

31. The Internet: It’s true that it’s not all made up of cat videos and rainbows and hugs – but even still, the internet is so full of possibilities and information and amazing things that I can’t help but be inspired by it.

There we have it. A list of 31 things that inspire me in my life and make me want to live it the best that I can for me. That means something different to all of us, and that’s totally okay. Heck, it’s even inspiring!

Be awesome out there friends – we can continue to inspire each other and live great lives.