31 Things: Mama’s from Texas

By Omamas @jeannjeannie

I’m back on board with The Nester’s 31 Day Challenge. I missed yesterday, and there’s a good chance I’ll miss many more. I’m alright with that, though!

Today, the third of October, we had our first big snow. I can honesty say that this is the first year I haven’t dreaded it.

What I want my boys to know is:  Mama is from Texas. My idea of outdoor recreation used to be floating in the river with a cold drink in hand. Once in high school we got ONE inch of snow, and school was cancelled for 3 days.

I laugh at that now when I pass the elementary school down the road, and the kids are having recess in snow boots and ski gloves. Soon enough my boys will be doing the same thing, and they’ll never know any different.

This whole cold weather and snow thing is in their blood.

True story… my oldest got bundled up and headed outside as soon as he could today and kept saying “I’m just so, so, so happy Mom!”. The kid LOVES the cold weather. In fact, the only time he ever complains about the temp is in the summer when it is “so hot” at a whopping 80 degrees. When we head to Texas to see family… forget it… the kid hardly wants to step outside.

It’s true my boys have changed me. Because they love the snow, it feels like I love the snow.

We’ve taken the plunge and made sure they have good snow gear, and that had made a world of difference. It softens the blow that I only have to buy the things once and then they will be passed down to my 2 year old.

Jeanne always says (not sure who she heard it from) there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad gear. I must say I’m beginning to agree (unless of course it’s negative 20… Then you’ll find me curled under a warm blanket with hot tea by the fire).

Until tomorrow,