Yet again I am starting off with an apology as I have fallen behind due to a combination of the weather and having a not so great week.
My mental health is suffering at the moment which has led me to hitting rock bottom this week and meant that I have had to take a break from posting but I am trying to get back on track slowly but surely.
Anyway on with the outfits and Day 17 saw me dig an old Pink Clove dress out of my wardrobe which I have had for about two years and dust it off!
I wasn't going to include this last photo but as I haven't had much to make me smile this week I felt it was good to see a picture with me laughing! (I was laughing at Oliver although I now can't remember what he was doing to make me laugh so much!!).
This dress is a stretchy scuba material and ever so comfy to wear, the cardigan is an old one from Primark and the shoes are about two years old from Peacocks (I found them in the bottom of my wardrobe all forgotten about!).
Moving onto Day 18 and I have a confession to make I broke my spending ban!! I found out the Lovedrobe were doing a 50% off sale which included items already reduced so I ended up bagging two dresses for £16.00 but to be fair I had sold a load of stuff on Ebay so I felt it all balanced!!
I managed to get this dress for a huge £6.00 and I love the detailing on it with the pleated front and chiffon sleeves. This is maybe more of an autumnal dress due to the colours but for the price I thought get it and pop it away for later in the year. As you can see yet again I got photobombed by the cat!!
Outfit details
Dress Lovedrobe
Shoes Peacocks