30 Year Bear Market

Posted on the 20 May 2016 by Adask

Milton Berg is the founder and CEO of MB Advisers–a Wall Street financial institution.

Mr. Berg is predicting a “30 year bear market” in stocks and bonds.  T-h-i-r-t-y years.

I’m skeptical.  A 30-year bear market in stock and bond markets would almost certainly correspond to a 30-year Greater Depression.

I expect a global depression that will last somewhere between 5 and 10 years.  I could imagine a depression lasting 15 to 20 years.  But I find the prospect of 30 years of global economic depression to be extremely unlikely.

Still, Berg is no dummy and he’s certainly more knowledgeable than I am in such matters.  Therefore, a 30-year bear-market/depression is at least conceivable.

Whatever the duration, consensus is growing that we’re on the verge of a “Greater Depression”.

video    00:05:17

Here’s a link to the same video in a clearer format:
