30 Virtual Summer Camp Ideas for Summer 2020

Posted on the 26 May 2020 by Thiruvenkatam Chinnagounder @tipsclear


With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, parents' summer plans - which were often locked last January - were thrown out for a loop. Depending on where you live and the severity of the epidemic, traditional camps may not be an option this year. So what is everyone going to do with their kids all this summer?

The virtual summer camp is an attractive proposition. On the one hand, it offers parents the opportunity to ask someone else to take care of child care for one minute, thereby opening up the possibility of doing work, doing chores or even take a shower. On the other hand, after two months of distance learning at home, children can do without online learning entirely, and the virtual summer camp cannot replace the outdoor experiences that camp does. regular summer a beloved childhood tradition. And nobody wants to pay for a virtual camp only to find out that their child will be released on bail after 20 minutes of video instruction in favor of playing with toys or looking sadly out the window.

Signing up for a free virtual camp seems like the obvious solution, but there are also tradeoffs: free camps usually can't pay for a lot of instructors and counselors, so activities can be more "parent-led" Which erases some of the free time you hope to gain. Again when you see some of the cool programs on offer - covering everything from Minecraft to Harry Potter - the cost is worth it. Whether you are looking for free activity ideas, additional enrichment in your children's main interests or a summer program that will give them the full camp experience, check out these virtual summer camps.

Free virtual camps

Test the camp waters online and see if it works for your family without making a huge financial investment.

  • PBS Kids Camp: PBS Kids offers various parent-led learning activities on topics such as dinosaurs, space and books, among others. Often the activities are linked to a different PBS program and are designed for children from 2 to 8 years old.
  • Camp Wonderopolis: This online summer learning destination allows you to choose the types of activities you want to focus on, from music creation to city building and fitness; camp is free, but you can purchase camp kits to enhance the experience.
  • Children need more virtual camps: Immerse yourself in and out of the different Zoom activities according to your needs; sessions include princess tours, building LEGO, baby encounters and performances.
  • Little Tikes Camp Play @ Home: Starting June 15, Little Tikes will offer affordable and easy-to-do ideas for young children on social media and email, which parents can do at home at their own pace.
  • Miss Megan's Camp Kindergarten: Megan Jessen, a former kindergarten teacher, teaches lessons, music and stories on her Facebook group, which has nearly 100,000 members.
  • MOCA art camps: The Miami Museum of Contemporary Art offers free lessons on mixed media, painting, drawing and textile art for children aged 6 to 13.
  • Too cool for school: This Facebook group offers live parent-to-parent lessons, as well as ideas for crafts, arts, physical activity, and games.
  • Virtual summer camps for university tutors: Varsity Tutors organize numerous week-long camp sessions at no cost, with classes covering the K - 12 range. You can hunt and find one that suits your children's special interests, recycled art for children from from kindergarten to creating LEGO movies for elementary school students, Minecraft storytelling for middle school students, and podcasting for high school students.

Virtual camps for art, music, STEM and more

Campers can focus on an area of ​​interest in these specialized online camps.

  • Act One theater camp: Children aged 6 to 15 can spend the summer singing, dancing and playing in one of three different themed theater sessions.
  • Bake-a-Camp: Each week, campers will receive a cooking box containing four thematic kits from Baketivity kits for children aged 6 to 11; the recipes will become more advanced and explore different subjects, themes or cuisines.
  • Broadway Plus: Broadway stars offer virtual classes and master classes for older students. Dates and prices are to be determined.
  • Camp: ASPIRE: UBTECH Robotics, manufacturer of the JIMU line of robot construction kits, offers home summer programs for children over 8 in robotics and engineering using STEM learning activities and challenges of practical design. Classes take place from June 15 to August 24.
  • DIY Camp: Thanks to the DIY application, this camp offers more than 80 ideas for DIY projects from which your small manufacturer can choose. The activities are available in seven thematic "packs" and are also available in science, engineering and cooking.
  • Camp Hullabaloo: For children aged 2 to 8, the Hullaballoo Book Company organizes a 12-week summer camp at your own pace; if you register, you will get 12 new books with ideas and craft activities suitable for children.
  • Camp KiwiCo: From June 22, KiwiCo will offer five-day sessions filled with videos, DIY activities, downloadable printables, creativity challenges, all around a different box that they offer. Campers are divided into four different age groups covering children aged 2 to 9 years old.
  • Camp everything you need: This camp offers teenagers and pre-teens experiences in entrepreneurship and empowerment.
  • Contemporary Art Center virtual summer camps: Choose from one-day or half-day art classes for children ages 5 to 15. There is also a special needs program.
  • Minecraft classes of connected camps: If your home is entirely made up of Minecraft, Connected Camps offers dozens of Minecraft-related courses for kids ages 8 to 13 that cover everything from Minecraft art to coding.
  • PAFA art summer camp: For serious artists aged 6 to 15, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts will organize a virtual camp from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day of the week. A box of supplies for the week's activities will be mailed weekly.
  • Raddish Kids: The monthly kitchen subscription company will offer a summer cooking camp via Outschool. It is intended for children from 8 to 12 years old; follow Raddish on Outschool for dates and pricing information.
  • Smart Buddies Camp-in-Box: Smart Buddies fans aged 7 to 11 can get additional enrichment with a camp that includes small meetings (socialization!) As well as activities and assignments to refine these coding skills.
  • Super Soccer Stars @ Home: Deliver live virtual football lessons in small groups, where kids can get individual attention with activities designed for small spaces.

Virtual camps that offer a bit of everything

If your children like to play with many different interests and activities, these can help. Some offer a well-rounded traditional camp experience, while others host many different classes in a variety of different areas.

  • Activity hero camps: Children aged 6 to 16 can find an online learning camp that interests them, from forensics to cartoons. You can even find courses that hone skills such as public speaking or entrepreneurship.
  • Adventure Links Virtual Camp: Children from 8 to 6 years old are placed in different teams, which meet every day, and the activities that the children can carry out by themselves are also sent by e-mail every day.
  • Blue Sky virtual children's camp: Daily or one hour private or semi-private sessions move at your child's pace, exploring interests like coding, cooking, comedy / improvisation, art, chess, magic or writing. songs.
  • Brain Chase: Children take on different learning "challenges" and discover puzzles and clues to find a buried treasure (and possibly win an IRL prize of $ 1,000).
  • Happy Camper Live: You can find sports, art, music, cooking and live entertainment, as well as quintessential camp experiences like campfire songs on this site, co-created by an expert from the camp: Steve Slavin, creator of the show Salute your shorts; many activities are available free of charge.
  • Camp Supernow: New sessions for children ages 5 to 11 start every Monday, and each week has a new theme, including fables and fairy tales, Renaissance Fair and Explorer's Club. Campers are sorted into virtual cabins for 6 to 8 students and meet daily for activities guided by a counselor, then there are optional camp-wide activities that children can also join.
  • EDMO Camp: This camp offers half-day or full-day programs focused on socio-emotional learning for children from kindergarten to eighth grade. The day mixes a program led by an advisor and activities that offer breaks on the screen.
  • Outschool: If you need to integrate the camp into a delicate schedule, you can sort tons of virtual camps via Outschool according to age, time / duration of the meeting or level of interest. Classes include everything from drawing and writing the dragon Wings of Fire to creative Harry Potter-themed writing.
  • Teachers who teach the 2020 virtual summer camp: If you want to give your kids an academic upgrade to help develop skills they may not have perfected during distance learning during the school year, or if you're looking to tackle the fearsome "summer slide", Teachers Who Tutor has a grade-specific basics for classes K - 5 as well as optional courses for classes K - 12.

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