30 Delicious, Simple, and Healthy Eggplant Recipes

By Thefoodiecoupleblog

Also called aubergine, eggplant is in season from July to October, and what a delicious, versatile vegetable it is. It's an excellent alternative to meat in dishes, making it very popular among vegetarians.

But eggplant can often be quite divisive - you either love it or can't stand it. But cook it right and you have a culinary masterpiece. You can use it to make dips, vegan meatballs, comforting stews, fresh salads, and sandwiches. This list of eggplant recipes will show you several ways in which this nightshade vegetable can revolutionize the way you cook.

Here's an easy, vegan, and gluten-free recipe that incorporates eggplant, tomatoes, chickpeas, and a generous sprinkling of herbs and spices. Remember to adjust the cooking time if you're starting with dried chickpeas instead of cooked or canned ones. Serve your dish over some cooked millet, brown rice, bread, or pasta.

If you are looking for a healthier alternative to French fries, this insanely delicious recipe is it. Coat your eggplant wedges with panko breadcrumbs and Parmesan before baking them in the oven until they're nice and crisp. After that, just put together the aioli by combining mayonnaise, chipotle, lime juice, and salt.

This warm eggplant and tomato stew infused with Sicilian flavors is a gorgeous summer recipe. Take your dish to a whole new level with crispy polenta wedges to soak up the sauce. Before serving, drizzle on some olive oil and add a few sprinkles of fresh chopped parsley and slivered almonds.

Skip your regular Chinese takeout and bring the restaurant home with an easy Asian recipe that's so addictive. Tender eggplant is coated with a spicy garlic sauce made with easy-to-source ingredients. If you cannot find Chinese black vinegar, substitute it with young balsamic vinegar. Your eggplant is ready when the skin is wrinkled and its flesh is soft.

Eggplant tastes amazing when it's roasted in the oven until its skin caramelizes and the flesh is plump and juicy. Seasoned simply with salt, pepper, and olive oil, each piece is perfectly plump and delicious. Serve as-is or drizzle with lemon juice, chives, or even creamy yogurt!

This scrumptious dish takes only 20 minutes to make with only five basic ingredients - eggplant, olive oil, garlic powder, sea salt, and black pepper. Enjoy crisp bites of rich, savory-sweet flavor enriched with intense caramelization. Garlic powder enhances the overall taste, so don't skimp on that. And if using fresh minced garlic, add it toward the end so it doesn't burn.

If you haven't discovered eggplant meatballs yet, it's about time! Form your balls with roasted eggplant, breadcrumbs, Parmesan cheese, and fresh herbs. Once baked, top them with cheese and marinara sauce. Even your beloved carnivores will stand impressed while gobbling them up; no one's going to notice they're missing the meat!

Who doesn't love firing up the grill in the summertime? It sets the mood right by giving a nice char to any vegetables and meat. This recipe simplifies the classic ratatouille with a 15-minute version. First, grill your eggplant, zucchini, peppers, and tomatoes. Then, chop your veggies into bite-sized pieces and coat everything in a sherry-vinegar sauce before serving.

If you've been racking your brain for ways to turn the family into veggie-lovers, here's the ultimate secret weapon. Small cuts of panko-crusted eggplant fried to crisp golden-brown and wonderfully creamy on the inside. When you add a sauce made with honey, vinegar, and soy sauce into play, that's when the party starts.

This 30-minute recipe is one for the weeknights. Discover the magical combination of roasted eggplant, cherry tomatoes, feta, basil, parsley, pine nuts, and orzo as it transforms into a hearty pasta. The lemon-garlic dressing with a hint of red pepper flakes makes this meal lip-smackingly good!

These halved eggplants are tender and overflowing with delicious stuffing made with couscous, chickpeas, tomatoes, and fresh herbs. If you're in the mood for Mediterranean flavors, you might as well go big. Season your dish with spices like coriander, paprika, cinnamon, and more. Add a drizzle of tahini and serve!

The next time you want something fast and delicious, pull out this recipe for an easy, tasty meal. Using simple ingredients like olive oil, fresh Italian parsley, garlic, and chopped eggplant, you'll have something on the table in less than half an hour. The addition of hot pepper flakes will give your pasta dish a nice little kick!

Fall in love with the flavors of eggplant, tomato, onion, basil, Parmesan, and cheesy mozzarella as this creamy dish transport you to Italy. This recipe is simple enough to make, and it's even easier to customize. If you love some spice, sprinkle in some red pepper flakes. You can even shorten your cooking time by skipping the sweating of the eggplant.

Ready to learn the secret of making the best baba ganoush ever? This recipe guides you through obtaining that delicious smoky flavor with the iconic silky smooth texture. All you need is five ingredients to make this classic Middle Eastern recipe - eggplant, tahini paste, garlic, lemon juice, and salt. Serve with a platter of pita bread and dig in!

Delicious and healthy, this starter (or an afternoon snack) is perfect for a quick snack. In this taco recipe, your eggplant is coated with panko breadcrumbs and cornmeal before going into the fryer. Make your very own salsa, giving it the spice level that suits you best. Finally, have fun filling the tortillas!

Take a trip to France with this Provencal-inspired French favorite - ratatouille. Your favorite summer vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, and sweet bell peppers take center stage. As they cook slowly in a summery tomato sauce, you're greeted with a melt-in-your-mouth rustic stew unlike any other. Make it ahead and refrigerate for 3-4 days to savor later.

Filled with roasted tomatoes, basil, eggplant, garlic, and olive oil, this recipe is as good as a plane ticket to Italy! To get that concentrated sweet flavor, make sure to roast your tomatoes until they shrivel and brown on the outside. Skip the sautéing and roast your chickpeas instead to add an extra crunch to the dish.

Creamy eggplant combines with a crunchy spiced breadcrumb topping to give you a pasta dish that's set to be your new favorite. Different textures and flavors of walnut, shallot, garlic, lemon, miso, and charred eggplant blend together wonderfully in this hearty dish. The smooth texture of this sauce is the perfect coating for your pasta of choice.

Sometimes, a warm, creamy, hearty soup is all you need to put a smile on your face. This recipe is perfect for vegans and for those with lactose intolerance or gluten allergy. Made with everyday ingredients, this soup is a great way to use up leftover roasted eggplant. It's topped with roasted chickpea "croutons" for a welcome crunch.

Hearty, nutritious, and incredibly flavorsome, this soup is health in a bowl. In this dish, you're getting a slew of vegetables, such as eggplant, tomato, sweet pepper, and onion. Follow the recipe to the tee if you want something light and brothy. Or you could thicken it to suit your taste.

Sushi is always a fun and easy way to enjoy vegetables; no wonder kids and adults alike can't get enough! In this recipe, your eggplant is infused with the flavors of miso and a host of Asian condiments. Assembling is fun, although it might take some practice. Each bite is a mouthful of delicious fillings in a neat nori wrapper.

Salmon tastes great as is, but when grilled with a spice rub of paprika, cumin, and black pepper, you'll hear the angels sing. As for the eggplant, you're keeping it simple, seasoning it with only olive oil and salt. Serve your fish and eggplant on a plate and top everything off with a drizzle of basil vinaigrette.

Here's a recipe that looks stunning and can be on the table in just 20 minutes! Thinly sliced eggplant is seared and coated with a deliciously sweet soy sauce - it's really as simple as that. Serve alongside a hot bowl of rice, miso soup, and pickles for an authentic Japanese donburi (rice bowl).

An Iranian classic, this vegetarian Tahcheen is a saffron-infused savory rice cake cooked with meaty eggplant and earthy portobello mushrooms. Inverting the dish might be tricky; run a butter knife along the sides before you do. Garnish with butter, pistachios, barberries, and sugar.

Aromatic and infused with herbs, Thai curries have a distinct taste. This 30-minute green curry is a terrific weeknight meal option. You'll fry eggplant in an exotic combination of ginger, garlic, lemongrass, and curry paste before playing with levels of coconut milk and tamarind to manage the spice and flavor. Serve with rice and enjoy!

Beets and eggplant might seem like a weird combination for a sandwich, but don't knock it till you've tried it. This recipe creates one of the best plant-based sandwiches out there by pairing eggplant, beets, sprouts, tomatoes, goat cheese, and bread. Every bite is a fantastic burst of crunch and creaminess with tart, sweet, and savory flavors.

Here's a simple yet delicious option featuring eggplant, kale slaw, and creamy tahini, all wrapped up in a nice package. The tangy lemon-garlic dressing delivers wonderful freshness to the slaw. Throw in some feta or a smear of Greek yogurt, or keep it vegan with optional add-ons like tomato, radish, or cucumber.

This one-pot curry draws out the delicious taste of eggplant and sweet peppers, and comes together in half an hour. Cooked with tofu, coconut milk, curry paste, tamari, and other spices, this Thai red curry pairs beautifully with a hot bowl of rice. Garnish it with sesame seeds before serving.

The terms "low-carb" and "pizza" certainly don't seem like they go together - until now, that is. This quick, healthy recipe uses simple ingredients like eggplant, marinara sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni, and seasonings. In less than half an hour, you get mouth-watering mini pizzas packed with veggies.

You can't call an end to summer before making this grilled eggplant recipe. The meaty eggplant is grilled to smoky perfection. It is then paired with a delicious buttery pesto made with pecans and parmesan for a delicious nutty flavor. Here's a handy tip: make your pesto in a big batch; you're going to want to use it in other dishes.