30 Days Recap : June 2014

Posted on the 30 June 2014 by Ikzidna @InspiredGround

June’s ending, it’s time to do a recap of the month. What’s new with life? Apparently, not much. It’s starting fasting month here, so just busy preparing here and there, and busy with new life as newlyweds. I watched]more than average movies, but I have difficulties to see new releases, unfortunately. Please pray that I (and hubby) have more free time. I catch many movies on cable though. The movies are variety, I don’t know if there’s anything really stick in mind and become all time favorite. There’s three movies starred with Emily Blunt, ironically I also love her more after seeing Edge of Tomorrow.  Here’s some posts/movie reviews that you might’ve missed this month :

  • How Far Would You Go for a Movie?
  • Weekend View : The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014)
  • Review : Today’s Special (2009)
  • Soundtrack Pick : The Fault in Our Stars (2014)
  • 5 Best Dad in a Movie
  • 5 Favorite Rock Movies
  • Feel Good With : Dan in Real Life (2007)
  • Blind Spot ’14 : Star Wars – Episode I : The Phantom Menace (1999)

 Now let’s move on to the rest movies I’ve seen this month :

Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

As I usually don’t enjoy movies with too much actions but lacks content, but I really enjoy how Edge of Tomorrow adapts Groundhog Day‘s time-loop to every death of Bill Cage (Tom Cruise). Emily Blunt really kicks ass as a warrior here, makes me develop a girl crush on her (also found out she was born near my birthday). The movie was thrilling with excellent visuals, and as usual Cruise’s depth on every role he took, added with Blunt’s rough but angelic performance. Such an excellent pick for a summer movie. I didn’t expect to love it at first.

Movie Score : 8

Jesus Henry Christ (2012)

Bold, a little disturbed, outspoken, fast-paced, out-of-logic perhaps but really entertaining. The movie never afraid to be out of ordinary, quite comical but perhaps too loyal to its twist. What I like about this movie is Toni Collette as the feminist mother and how each character in the movie have their own oddness. I loved the cast.

Movie Score : 7,5

High School High (1996)

It’s quite hilarious at some parts, especially seeing Jon Lovitz’s naive personality among the violent and gangster high school kids. The comedy sometimes quite comical, which was a tad surprising. But it turned out quite lame and readable in the end.

Movie Score : 3,5

Safe Haven (2013)

A romantic thriller about a woman move in a small city to let go of her past. A little out of logic at some point, and a combination of intense thriller and small city love. The plot’s a bit readable but quite good for a rent.

Movie Score : 7

The Call (2013)

Seeing the way 911 service works, from the angle of the call center. A pretty intense look on how someone could get kidnapped, how the police works and how someone’s life can change in just seconds. Halle Berry still steals the screen, with lovely Abigail Breslin as a common teenage girl being kidnapped. Reveals a professional work of 911 and Police.

Movie Score : 7,5

Devil Wears Prada (2006)

Have seen this movie but not as a whole. Always fun to watch a dramedy about fashion, though it seems harsh to judge a person only by his/her look. Enjoyed Hathaway’s performance. I noticed this era is when she’s still the Princess Bride-post and before she’s taking more daring roles. Stanley Tucci, Emily Blunt and Meryl Streep also starred in the same movie. Funny how 3 years later Tucci and Streep played husband and wife in Julie & Julia. Though Hathaway’s real dream is a journalist, this is still a guilty pleasure movie for fashion lovers.

Movie Score : 7,5

Haute Cuisine (2012)

An interesting look on a cooking profession that I’d never seen before, showing how a President’s cook work is. It’s actually interesting how in such a grand and quite intimidating place like the French President’s residence, the number one man actually longing for home cooking and less food decorating. I’m not quite sure the morale message of the movie, only in any place you work it should be where your heart is.

Movie Score : 7

My Girl (1991)

I also have seen it multiple times in national TV and loved the theme song, but never seen it fully.  This is a smooth and simple film, as smooth and simple as the mind of 11-year-old. Slow pacing, but really heartbreaking in the end. Also an era of Macaulay Culkin golden kid actor days.

Movie Score : 7

Hitch (2005)

I usually enjoyed rom-com movies, but I think I’ve seen many rom-coms used Hitch’s plot story that I lost interest on it. Not even with Will Smith’s charm. The two profession of man and woman with opposite intentions, and they end up attracted to each other is like How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days.

Movie Score : 5

School of Rock (2003)

This movie inspired the 5 Favorite Rock Movies post. Interesting to see Jack Black’s energy as a substitute teacher. The kids were both adorable and naive, a great mixture to Black’s high spirit. Enjoyed to learn the essence of rock music. Another movie by Linklater that I enjoyed.

Movie Score : 7,5

Secretary (2002)

Maggie Gylenhaal usually associated by nice next-door-gal, but this movie can easily be categorized to porn with less graphic images. I wasn’t enjoyed the first part of the movie, as it looks like the girl is suppressed by her family and work place. But watch the whole movie so you won’t be fooled.

Movie Score : 7

Girl in Progress (2012)

After The Place Beyond The Pines, turns out Eva Mendes took another role as a mother. This time as a single parent. It’s interesting how her smart child decide to create her own coming-of-age story. Turns out by doing that, she gets a social climb to be one of the popular kids, oddly didn’t look awkward much. Mendes also aiming for the restaurant’s manager job by being her boss’ loyal staff. What I find funny is she still have the energy to go out with boys, so it’s like an unbalanced combination. I love the mother and daughter story, and the fact Mendes took a role outside the super sexy girl.

Movie Score : 7

Father of The Bride (1991)

Successfully balancing comedy and drama of how a father try to accept that his little girl is about to get married and have her own life. Also love the ‘romance’ between father and daughter, especially the ending. The troublesome of planning a wedding and the big cost also a big comedy that is happening in real life.

Movie Score : 7

Father of The Bride Part II (1995)

I didn’t plan to watch the sequel, but find myself catching it on cable. Though it’s nice to see the family again, this one is too much for me and a little too perfect to happen in reality. The father seem to object to pay for an expensive baby shower but end up making for two babies (and one of it is his) with their previous wedding planner. So, I wasn’t thrilled watching this one.

Movie Score : 6

Trance (2012)

I think by watching this movie quite it’s safe to say that I’ll always enjoy Danny Boyle’s movies. You can’t read this crime movie’s plot, and each lead character hold motives. Simon’s (James McAvoy) amnesia actually can trick us the viewer, thus the new character, Elizabeth (Rosario Dawson). Also enjoyed the dynamic shots of the movie and the editing.

Movie Score : 8

So what’s the best from all?

Quite competitive as there’s no movie with score above 8, not even my Blind Spot pick. So I choose Edge of Tomorrow, The Grand Budapest Hotel and Trance. Hopefully, July can be more impressive.


Readers, what’s the best movie you’ve seen this month?