30 Days of Thanks Printable

By Lil_white_whale @lil_white_whale

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.” – William Penn

I came across this quote a few weeks ago, and it really resonated with me as I’ve been stuck in a rut of negative thinking for a while. Social media has made it much too easy for me to get caught up in other people’s perfectly styled homes and families, their incredible careers, and all the other things that make me think “If only I had X, Y, and Z, I could be that fabulous too!” The problem, of course, is that X, Y, and Z never quite ends at Z, does it? It’s an unending list that only gets longer and longer the more you chase it, and you won’t be accomplishing it all in this lifetime, that’s for sure.

So instead of wallowing over what’s out of my reach right now, I’ll be redirecting my energy towards all the awesome things I DO have in my life by writing down something I’m grateful for every day this month. If you’d like to join me in celebrating all the good in your life, I’ve created a printable PDF that you can download right here.

PS. I attended a calligraphy workshop taught by Mon Voir a few weeks ago, and this is my first attempt at lettering! I obviously have a long ways to go, but I’m having lots of fun practicing and learning my way around pens and inks.