30 Days, 30 Dresses Day One

By Nikki Sumner @gamergirl0621
So the lovely Toni from The Left of Perfect mentioned that she was going to embark on a challenge of 30 days, 30 dresses the idea being to wear all the lovely dresses in her wardrobe over the next month.
As I am currently trying not to spend the idea of this greatly appealed to me so I asked if I could join in especially after I realised that just off the top of my head I counted at least 30 dresses in my wardrobe!!
I made a start on the challenge today and here is my dress of choice for today.

As it's Sunday I threw on my favorite ASOS Curve animal print swing dress but for a change rather than wear boots I put on a pair of black pumps I bought in New Look last year but have hardly worn.
I am really looking forward to digging through all my dresses and wearing some that haven't seen the light of day for awhile. Most of what you will see on the blog are pieces I have worn before but I hope to add different accessories to them to change them up a bit.
I did check ASOS website today and alas this dress is no longer on there but you do sometimes see them on Ebay, but if you fancy trying a swing dress they have quite a few on the site including a few in the sale.
If you want to join in or see what Toni has been wearing then head over to The Left of Perfect.