3 Ways to Install Skype on Fedora Linux

Posted on the 12 September 2022 by Top10

Skype is a popular private communications application well known for its voice calling, chat, VoIP-based video telephony, and video conferencing features. This helps people stay connected regardless of their geographic location; from colleagues within the organization to family and friends.

Skype works on a wide variety of devices, including smartphones (iOS and Android), PCs and tablets. You can also sign in to Skype in a browser to keep in touch with all your contacts.

Method 1: Install Skype on Fedora using the RPM package

This is the easiest way to install Skype on Fedora and Linux in general. To do this visit Skype official download page and download the RPM package or download it directly to the terminal using the wget command as shown below.

$ wget

The RPM package will be downloaded to your current directory. Therefore, to run the RPM package, simply run the following command.

$ sudo rpm -ivh skypeforlinux-64.rpm

Method 2: Install Skype on Fedora using the repository

Another approach is to install Skype from the Skype repository. To do this, first update all packages to the latest versions.

$ sudo dnf update -y

After updating all packages, add the Skype repository to your system as follows.

$ sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo

To verify that the Skype repository has been added and is available, run the following command:

$ dnf repolist | grep skype

Then install Skype using DNF Package Manager as shown below.

$ sudo dnf install skypeforlinux -y

To make sure Skype is installed, run the following command:

$ rpm -qi | grep skypeforlinux

The command displays detailed information about Skype, including the name, version, release, architecture, and installation date, just to name a few attributes.

Method 3: Install Skype on Fedora using Snap

Another approach is to install Skype from a snap. This is a fairly simple way to install Skype, which includes just a couple of commands.

First, make sure the Snapd daemon is installed. This is the demon that manages and maintains Snap. Snap are containerized cross-distribution and independent software packages that are easy to install.

To install snapd, run the command:

$ sudo dnf install snapd

Then enable classic snap support by creating a symbolic link between /var/lib/snapd/snap and /snap.

$ sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap

Then finally install the Skype snap package as follows.

$ sudo snap install skype

Once the installation is complete, you will receive the following output indicating that Skype has been successfully installed.

Running Skype on Fedora Linux

To launch Skype, click "Actions" in the top left corner or press the Windows key and search for Skype as shown in the picture. Click on the Skype logo to launch it.

Once launched, the Skype GUI will appear. To continue, click Let's Go.

In the next step, click the "Sign in or create" button to sign in with your Microsoft account, which will essentially sign you into your Skype account. If you don't have an account yet, you will need to create an account first.

That's all. We have successfully installed Skype on Fedora in three ways; installation from rpm package, snap and installation from Skype repository. Now you can use Skype to chat and stay in touch with friends, colleagues and family.

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#Ways #Install #Skype #Fedora #Linux