3 Ways to Improve Yourself This Fall

By Wonderland57

The fall is a great time to reset and recharge yourself for the rest of the year. The bright, sunny days are a huge inspiration to take a step back and look at how you can up your game and improve yourself. Even if your busy schedule doesn’t let up, you can focus some of your downtime on progressing yourself. As Aldous Huxley said, “There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.”

Make a Reading List

Fall is the perfect time to grab that book you’ve been longing to read and cozy up on the couch to sit down and unwind without the everyday distractions getting the best of you such as your phone and social media. Opening up a good novel can have so many advantages and make you more mindful. When you really focus on the author’s words, you can receive the same benefits as meditation. Reading will also relieve any eye strain that may occur from not being able to put down your mobile devices. This fall, make it a point to check out the NY Times Best Seller List and commit to spending 10 minutes reading as it will help increase your vocabulary and ability to concentrate. If you’re looking for a more personal touch, go to your local library or bookstore where someone can recommend a book from a specific genre you’re interested in.

Create a Fall Self-Care Routine

As the season’s change, so should your self-care routine. Fall is one season where your self-care routine will need a little extra loving. The heat and UV rays from the summer months can really take a toll on your hair and skin. Even on days when it’s cloudy, the sun’s rays can damage your hair strands and skin. When exposed to the sun for too long, damaged hair becomes brittle and thin causing breakage and split ends. In an effort to reverse some of the damage done and prevent future damage from occurring, use a DHT shampoo that strengthens your strands while simultaneously preventing any shedding. Your skin will also benefit from a face cream packed with moisturizing properties such as ceramides and hyaluronic acid.

Set a Work Goal

Fall is a busy time of year for most people between prepping for the holidays, getting back to school and weddings. The pressures, demands, and expectations of the workplace are often unavoidable even during the fall months.Once you have been working at the same company for a while, it can be easy to get complacent and forget about creating new goals. Setting new goals for yourself will help you meet and exceed work expectations! Your goal can be as simple as learning a new skill or gaining a mentor. If you’re struggling with something particular, ask a coworker out to lunch to get their advice. Together you can make a plan! The key is to set a goal that is challenging, but achievable. It’s okay if your goals start small because they will be easier to track and complete. Set a schedule for the fall months that helps you complete your tasks by the end of summer. Setting an intention each week or writing down the end result to put near your desk will take you one step closer to your goals! The fall is a time for relaxation, but it can also be a great time to make a change at work.

Taking time to improve yourself this fall is an excellent way to improve your self-esteem and be a happier, healthier person!