Don’t worry STAR 98.5, you’re still a star in Green Bay in our books! But just in case, milk those Wisconsin dairy ads while you can.
2. Instead of updating traffic and weather every ten minutes, update it at all times, even during commercials. People love cross-talk yelling on talk radio. So what a perfect time to mention that when they get home in an hour, a Bud Light will go perfectly with that 50% chance of rain!3. Include ads for Apple Radio on your no-repeat work day music broadcast. First, you’re making money from advertising from the largest company in the world. Second, nobody listens to AM/FM commercials at work because commercials = Keurig coffee cup break, right? Third, even if they are listening, who is going to pay money while they’re working to listen to music? Win-win-win!3 Ways To Help Radio Stations Survive When Apple Beats Radio One Goes Live
By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews
On June 30, Apple is launching Beats Radio One in over 100 countries. Have no fear, local radio DJs. We’ve consulted your radio predecessors who prevailed over television, 8-Track players, and Microsoft’s Zune and have some tips to ensure you stay in business… here are our 3 suggestions…1. Stop giving away trips to the Barbados to listeners! Nobody at an isolated resort can get your Toronto FM signal, or even WiFi to listen to your station’s app. Did you know for the same price, you can give your listeners a used 2008 Lexus ES, which includes an audio system incompatible with any Apple device and only has the options of “radio” and “cassette player?” You’ll retain that listener for years of rush hour, even if the car includes free mix-tapes featuring Dane Cook, who may be funnier than the sound effects on your morning show.