3 Ways to Enjoy Aloe Vera Juice for Health and Beauty

By Anshulika

A few weeks ago, I happened to see a lady with the most youthful skin I'd seen outside the world of photo-shop and movies. Lush, chocolate-brown hair that flowed till waist-line complemented her picture perfect complexion. It was difficult for anyone who passed her to turn for another glimpse of her lovely beauty. Hopeless beauty addict that I am, ached to know her secret. After a few polite exchanges and words of praise for her beauty, she finally revealed the secret to her amazing looks. She eats flaxseeds and drinks aloe vera juice every day!

While I was already familiar with the many benefits of using aloe vera gel in skincare and beauty products, its use as a daily health drink or green juice was something new to me. Doing my own research back home, I found that the gel's topical use in beauty and skincare was only scratching the surface. Aloe vera juice is so rich in healthy vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin and folate), essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, selenium and potassium), amino acids and antioxidants that it makes for an amazing health drink.

Studies show that drinking aloe vera juice on a daily basis can improve digestion, lower cholesterol, boost immune system as well as promote dental health. By acting as a natural anti-inflammatory and detoxifying agent, aloe vera juice can help you maintain youthful beauty and attain healthy glow. No wonder, health and beauty freaks around the world - from Hollywood queens to naturopathic doctors are raving about aloe drink's rejuvenating benefits.

All excited and encouraged to join the aloe drink bandwagon, I marched to my garden, plucked on long leaf of the plant, cut open the outer layer, scooped off the gel from the leaf and put it in blender with 2 cups of cold water. I was extremely impressed with how well it blended - and began to think about the wonders it would do to my skin and hair in the following days - until I tasted it!

One whiff and I knew I didn't want to drink.

Of course I'm a health freak but that doesn't mean I completely disregard my taste buds. They matter too!

So what's a beauty conscience girl who wants to get her daily dose of gorgeousness drink to do, when the stuff tastes so gross?

According to professional manufacturers of aloe vera drink , the best way to savor aloe drink is by mixing it with fruits and tropical flavors. Just like a green smoothie doesn't look or sound as inviting and appetizing as a strawberry smoothie, raw aloe vera juice can never be delectable as a tropical flavored aloe drink. Not only the extra ingredients make it taste nice but the added fruit also maximize your drink's nutrient-rich potential.

So girls, here are three ways to enjoy your aloe vera juice without compromising on your taste buds:

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • 1 apple
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 cups of water

Mix all ingredients together in a blender. Chill and drink. This concoction makes for a perfect drink for glowing skin and healthy hair.

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 1 cup green apple juice
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 cup orange juice

Blend, chill and enjoy. The sweet and zingy drink perfectly hydrates your body and refreshes your mind.

  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel
  • 2 cups watermelon juice
  • 1 cup pineapple juice
  • ½ cup green apple juice or 2 tablespoons of coconut milk (optional)

This luxurious tropical cocktail is not only packed with many vital nutrients and antioxidants but also tastes amazingly delightful and lip smacking. Could you have asked for more?

So lovelies, like a good cocktail if you make your aloe drink right, it needn't have to hold your nose closed as you down your aloe vera juice. And I bet, as you start to feel the beauty benefits of aloe vera drink, you'll begin to enjoy this juice all the more.