3 Ways to Apply Your Business Skills to Blogging

Posted on the 21 May 2014 by Dfennell @BloggerGo

For many of us, blogging started out as a hobby: something we did on the side to keep in touch with audiences and encourage conversation. But you can apply many of the skills you learned at work to your blog, and get it to blossom into an online source of income. 

You might think it’s an unlikely that you can turn your blog into a revenue stream, but you probably have the skill set already to make it happen. Here are three ways to apply your business competencies to your blog.

1. Collect introductions

When you start a blog, if people run across you at all, they’ll probably see you as just another anonymous voice in an ocean of other bloggers. What can set you apart from everyone else?

It’s a challenge to distinguish yourself online, no doubt; especially during your early posts. As you write, you should discover your voice as a blogger over time, and hone in on common themes.

You’ll also grow to understand the types of content your readers like and dislike, especially if you pay attention to the metrics. Once you get some solid content online, you’ll need to start introducing yourself to others via social media, blogs, and forums.

Send links to your blog articles to these contacts for feedback. If strangers show up on your site and engage in meaningful dialogue, then collect their contact information and record them in a database, such as an address book or CRM.

2. Build relationships

Maintain a close professional relationship with your contacts by encouraging them to subscribe to your blog and follow you on social media. WordPress has an extremely handy Jetpack widget for managing email subscriptions, and it’s completely free.

Subscribers will receive a copy of all the articles and multimedia you post. Subscriptions are an extremely personalized way for you to interact with your readers.

3. Build a pipeline

So you’ve got an audience. Now what? You’ll need to start building some kind of revenue pipeline through advertisements, affiliates, or perhaps a small retail shop.

Your current audience and the type of blog you run will determine the route you take. Once you’ve monetized your blog, then focus on growing your audience even further.

You can apply a number of the business skills and tasks you’ve learned at work to run a blog successfully. Essentially, you have to scale these efforts to meet your blog’s needs.

Your professional training is often multifaceted, and it will come in handy during your other personal and professional activities.