But motherhood? Motherhood is something completely different. You look at your own child differently then you did when you nannied other kids for the fact that you actually made this little human being. They are a part of you. They have the same mannerisms as you ( and yes that includes crazy attitudes at times). The one thing that really that put me through the loop, was not realizing that despite some crazy and frustrating moments with my now two and a half year toddler, she actually makes life pretty easy. I thought I'd share 3 ways she tends to make my life simpler.
1. Don't Be Fancy- Regardless of a home cooked meal you took 5 hours to make or 5 minutes, my toddler appreciates it all. Simple meals are the best meals ( think Mac and Cheese 24/7 ) which makes more time for us to enjoy some cuddles, reading books or playing outside. Being fancy also includes my wardrobe. She could care less if my shoes are from college or if I just spent $200 on them. Clothing price tags are non existent to her ( wait until she hits 15 ) and we sure do love to rock our $4 shorts while running through sprinklers!
2. A Hug Fixes Everything- I remember being a kid and knowing if I was hurt all I needed was a tight squeeze from my Mom to make everything better. The same goes for my daughter. When she's had a long day at school, is upset because a friend is playing with someone else, gets upset about an issue, she immediately runs over and gives me a bear hug around my leg or arms. I think it both helps us to release some tension and stress after a long day.
3. Routines Are Essential- Lily needs 3 solid meals throughout her day, 2 snacks and then play time with friends or herself and a nap in between it all. Having simple routines like this make our day productive, busy and on time. Of course we have days where we just don't want to do any of those things but for the most part, we keep to them, especially since were officially potty trained!
How does your child make life easier for you?