3 Wardrobe Staples That Are Worth Splashing Out On

By Sammycx @sammycx

We all love a bargain and if you shop around and look for deals, you can make some big savings on your wardrobe. There’s no need to spend all of your money on overpriced brands when there are so many great affordable ones out there. But sometimes, you’ve got to spend a bit of money now to save a lot more in the future. If you buy cheap clothes that are bad quality, you will have to keep replacing them, and that’s going to get expensive. It’s actually a lot cheaper to spend more money on a good quality piece that lasts you a long time, but that’s only true with certain things. These are the wardrobe staples that it’s worth splashing out on. 
Jeans3 Wardrobe Staples That Are Worth Splashing Out OnImage From Unsplash CCO License
If you are going to spend a lot of money on clothes, you need to pick versatile pieces that you can build a lot of outfits from. That’s why it’s always worth spending the money on a good quality pair of jeans instead of going for the cheap ones. Good quality denim can last you years or even decades if you look after it properly, and you’ll wear jeans so often, so it’s a worthwhile investment. Cheap jeans are not usually made with 100 percent denim and they will only last you a year or two if you’re lucky. But if you get a few good pairs of jeans in a universal style that you will wear often, you won’t have to worry about buying anymore for a long time to come. 

Boots 3 Wardrobe Staples That Are Worth Splashing Out OnImage From Unsplash CCO License
Now that the summer's over and the cold weather is on the way, it’s time to start thinking practical with your outfits, and that means a good pair of shoes that can withstand the weather. A nice pair of winter boots are ideal because they give you the protection that you need but they also look great and they pair well with a lot of different winter outfits. A pair of black boots is universal and you can keep wearing it every year, so invest in some real leather ones that are well made, and don’t go for a cheap option that will only last you one winter. 

Jackets And Blazers 3 Wardrobe Staples That Are Worth Splashing Out OnImage From Pexels CCO License

Jackets and blazers are great versatile pieces to have in your wardrobe. You can use them to create a formal look for work, but you can just as easily pair them with some jeans and a white t-shirt for a more casual look. They’re a great backup option if you don’t know what to wear and you need to put an outfit together in a hurry. But there is a big difference between a cheap blazer and a more expensive one, and it’s very noticeable. The fit is so important when it comes to jackets and blazers and a cheap one just won’t look good. But if you pay a bit more money, and even consider getting a tailored blazer, it will really make a difference to your overall look.

Most of the time, there is no benefit to paying for expensive clothes, but these are the important exceptions.