3 Tips for the Best Body Wash for Kids

Posted on the 15 April 2020 by Daisy Chen

General hygiene is very important, but body hygiene is essential. The moment of the daily shower must be one of the most comforting and pleasant experiences of the day, a situation where only you, the water, the shampoo and your favorite wash are. Precisely the latter is the great forgotten, since in most cases it does not pay attention to how vital your choice is, but rather you choose the first model that we see in the supermarket or the one that is cheaper, a very serious error. Although in some cases, a cheap wash can be effective and beneficial, as is not usually the case, so in the end the cheap is expensive. Choosing a body wash must be something that we do in a conscientious way and taking into account various aspects, since it will be a product that will be in contact with our skin, and therefore it can offer numerous benefits, but if we do not know how to choose it, it can also cause numerous damages, so first of all it is better to be careful. Here we are going to tell you some keys that you must take into account to choose the best body wash for kids on the market, which you can get at a good price benefiting from the Offers of bath washes and body wash in Ideal Beauty. Take note!

  1. No to washes with a lot of foam

Despite what most people believe, a bath should not become a foam party, since this does not mean that the wash is more or less effective. In fact, if a wash creates a high amount of foam when used it is usually for a reason, it has a greater amount of detergent, silicones and substances, something very harmful to your skin, since it will not hydrate or clean it more, but will increase its dryness, so look closely at the label and that your wash does not include very aggressive cleansers, especially if you have sensitive skin. Only then can you maintain the hydrolipidic layer of your skin. Ideally, the soap can be removed without problems and quickly, thus it will be easier to dry with the towel and we will prevent the bacterial flora of the skin from being altered by preventing moisture from being maintained for a long time.

  • Recognize your skin type

Obviously just as not all skin types are the same, not all will work perfectly with the same wash, being of vital importance that before purchasing a product of this type you determine what your skin is like and what it needs. So in general, if you have oily skin, you can use any type of wash, as long as it is not very aggressive or causes acne; In the event that you have dry or tight skin, the ideal would be to choose a hydrating and nourishing wash; If your skin is prone to allergies, then choose a hypoallergenic sensitive skin wash, and finally if your skin is sensitive, opt for specific cleansers without soap.

  • Nothing to use a wash for the whole family

Saving is fine, but there are times when even if we want to, there are products that are exclusive for children and others that are exclusive for adults, such as bath wash. If you want to protect your skin and maintain its hydrolipidic mantle, you should know that the pH of the skin of an adult is approximately 5.5, while that of the baby at birth is 7, so if you look there is already a clear difference. We cannot apply the bath wash of our little one because the pH of our skin is different and we can alter the hydrolipidic mantle, something that is also applicable backwards. We have to choose a wash that is consistent with the needs and characteristics of our skin. Basically these are the main characteristics that you must take into account to choose your bath wash for your kids and new born. Remember; try to discard very foamy washes, because they contain more substances harmful to the skin and maintain moisture for a long time; Study your skin type and choose a wash based on its needs and respectful with it, and finally, do not use a wash for the whole family, since the pH is different. You can also choose a wash for its aroma or because it is 100% natural, but these are the main tips that you should follow as a general rule. There are many other tips you should take into account while taking care of your kid’s hygiene. Or you can also ask your doctor or paediatrician to give you right detailed information on how to take care of your kid and which body wash suits best to your kids.