3 Tips for Opening a Car If You Forgot the Keys Inside

Posted on the 20 January 2023 by L'Express

Giddy when you take us! Now the ignition keys have remained inside your vehicle. Going around in circles, going through all the feelings: bewilderment, intense stress, anger, dejection… The fact remains that this kind of incident can happen to anyone. We feel alone. The worst would be to break the glass, but is it really necessary? You understand, the consequences could be dramatic. Call a mechanic? Do not even think about it as the bill could be salty! Here are some tips to get out of this bad situation. Remember them well, they may be useful to you one day…

What could be more annoying than finding your keys locked inside your vehicle. Fortunately, it is possible to remedy this situation, by using certain tricks.

Keys forgotten in the car, what to do?

Your objective is to find the famous emergency key. And the case seems settled, we won’t take you there anymore. It is sometimes possible to find it at the bottom of your bag. Otherwise, you decide to take public transport to pick it up at home… but are you sure you can get your hands on it once you get home? No !

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The only solution is to call in a specialist. Oh insurance? When you receive the bill, you will surely be dizzy! He will have to bypass the anti-theft device; embark on the manufacture of a double or even find the frequency of waves which will make it possible to open your car. Count a hundred euros but depending on the intervention, this amount could triple or even quadruple. In other words, your goal will be to find a much less expensive solution.

Check if any other door is open or not closed properly

This is sometimes the case with the rear doors, your child may have closed one of them incorrectly. It is also possible that the trunk is not closed correctly.. You can then enter the passenger compartment and take over the reins of your car. Fate and luck were on your side this time around.

3 tips for opening a door if you forgot the keys

The noose to open a car

If by chance your vehicle is a little old, you will be able to push the door away from the chassis a little. It is then necessary get a shoelace and make a slipknot then slip it through the gap. So with agility and patience, you will reach the door opening bolt and maneuver it from above.

The hanger to open your car

Metal hangers. Source: spm

If you have a metal coat hanger, the previous trick may be easier to achieve using this object. Always passing between the seal and the door, you can reach the locking block and operate it to release the entire system.

With a tennis ball we open a car

Tennis ball. Source: spm

Here’s another trick that works on older vehicles. Changing pressure at the lock releases the lock. Thus with a tennis ball, previously perforated, you will exert a brief and rapid pressure on the block of the key.

Read also: Keys forgotten inside the house? The trick to open the door, no need to call the locksmith

Forgotten keys in the car: What to do as a last resort?

We can think of calling the police as a last resort

Police officers fight vehicle theft. By calling on them, you will need to be able to prove that you are the owner of the vehicle: have an identity document in the absence of the vehicle papers which are often inside the car. One pass through the vehicle registration system and you can rely on them. What you also need to know is that the police can only intervene in the event of obstruction to traffic or endangering others. Officials use a tow truck, which will lead to fairly substantial costs, which will be your responsibility.

From now on, and if you find yourself in such a situation, there is no doubt that these few tips will be of great use to you.

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