3 Things We Wonder If You’ll Accidentally Buy With Twitter’s “Buy” Button

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Twitter announced that users in the United States will now be able to buy products while on Twitter using a “buy” button in tweets. Just enter your address and other information once… then later tap to buy, and tap to confirm, and boom… you’ve purchased something….

Here are 3 things we wonder if you’ll buy…

  1. Edward Snowden’s latest documents. Oh no! Your pocket-calling phone just bought something that landed you on all kinds of watch-lists!
  2. The Pope’s latest documents. Congratulations, you just bought a Bible. In Spanish. And another book that says climate change is real.  What a terrible day for you to have accidental pocket Twitter purchases, Mr. Trump.
  3. Hillary’s Clinton’s personal emails. Oh no! You’ll probably get really bored reading these.  But the good news, is you’re rich, as some Republican Committee-To-Make-Hillary-Look-Bad will probably pay you handsomely for your accidental score.