3 Things People Want to Know About Your Brand

By Linsibrownson @CleverSpark

Special Announcement: next week Alycia and I are launching something sparkly for the web and we have special surprises in store for Tuesday (April 30th).  We won’t be announcing it on the blog so please come sign up here if you want to get in on the action.

It’s not news that people are fed up with big business.  Known for being greedy, corrupt and out of touch, just the word ‘corporation’ contorts faces and elicits audible groans.

I think it’s funny that just a few years ago, small companies were doing their damnedest to sound like they were a big operation.  But lately I’ve noticed the biggest of the big corps are developing offshoots that appear like….a small business.  They’re no dummies (after all, they have billions of dollars devoted to market research).

What do we want? SMALL!

When do we want it? NOW!

Personally, I’m thrilled about our trending desire to support small business.  When small companies are managed well, everybody wins.  In big business, somebody always loses.

So what does this mean for your small company?

It means that you need to be loud and proud, baby.  People are curious and more trusting of small companies.  They are also more likely to spend (a little) extra money when they feel like it’s supporting something they value.

Here are 3 things people want to know about your brand:

1. Who you (the owner) are and Why you started the business.  Most likely you had a deeper motive than simply profit when you opened shop.  In fact, I’m willing to bet that you have a very personal story about how it came to be.  Tell that story on your website, in your brochures and when meeting new people.  Your ideal customers are going to hear that story and forge an emotional bond with you and the company.  And they will recall it when making a purchase.

2.  What frustrates you. Something about your industry drives you nuts.  And because of that, you strive to do it better.  But you know what?  That same thing drives a ton of other people crazy too, and when they find out that you are different they will be all over you.  So talk about it.  [Careful with negativity or finger pointing though.  We have enough of that in our world.  Be honest, be funny, be crass if you want.  Just keep the judginess in check.]

3. How you do your job.  Similar to the Why, people want to know How things work in your business.  They want to follow along on projects or the making of products.  They want to see your inspiration and how that comes to fruition.  They want to hear about your triumphs and, yes, your bad days.  It’s a form of credibility and celebrity, both of which are great sales tools for you.

As a small business owner you are an essential element of your brand.  You have to be willing to share at least a sliver of yourself with your customers and the general public.  Be proud of the late nights and ‘resourcefulness’ it took to build your business and let people know just how hands on you really are.