3 Summer Must Haves From Mildred & Co.

By Jax

With Christmas and Summer Weddings just around the corner, I can't help but drool over all the new summer goodies at Mildred & Co., by far the best wedding registry website in Aotearoa and a fantastic place to buy all your Christmas pressies (yep, it's an online store too!). While I could make a list a mile long of all the things I 'NEED' I have narrowed it down to three kick ass must have's that are perfect for any party! Enjoy!

P.S I you have never heard of Mildred & Co. or want to know more about the awesomeness they can create for your wedding, check out this post. or visit www.mildredandco.com for all their goodies!

Check out all the products above via the links below...

Roundie Towels | Summer Inflatables | The Cookbook

Founder and editor of P&L. Self-proclaimed shoe guru and lover of bogan chic (wtf!) Wife of a butcher, mother of 7 dogs and a cat. Bonkers.