3 Slogans We Propose For Twitter Live-Streaming

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Yahoo Finance reports that Twitter launched a service called Periscope, that lets users live-stream whatever they want. If people like what a user is live-streaming, they can give it a heart. The more hearts something gets, the higher it moves up a chart, resulting in more people seeing the stream. Since we’re all about helping business for free, here are:

3 Slogans We Propose For Twitter Live-Streaming

1. “Twitter: Continually Finding New Ways To Scoop and Bankrupt Old Media.”

2. “Twitter: Also Live-Streaming Teen Mall Hauls, Kitten Hijinks, and Other Stuff You Don’t Have To Go To Journalism School For… While Bankrupting Old Media.”

3. “Twitter Periscope: We’re Sure It’s Awesome, Even If Our Carrier’s Network Crashes Whenever We Try To Upload A Photo To Any Social Media Site.”