3 Slogans We Propose For Amazon Prime

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

Two days ago, we wrote about how Amazon Prime would be streaming shows from HBO from three years ago.

“Too soon!” some of you may have said.

That’s okay, the original CNN article indicated that Amazon Prime would also be streaming older shows like the Wire and the Sopranos.

“Too soon!” some of you still say. Well, for viewers like you, here are:

3 Slogans We Propose For Amazon Prime

1. Amazon Prime: Just Be Happy We Don’t Operate Current Broadcast Prime Time TV, Or Else You’d Be Looking Forward to Survivor, Season 1 this fall.

2. Amazon Prime: What Do You Mean The “O” In HBO Doesn’t Stand For “Old?”

3. Amazon Prime: Our Amazon Drones Will Deliver To Your Front Door The Latest Episodes Of The Wire, Faster Than The Large, Hard-To-Trace, Disposable Cell Phones Deliver Voicemails On The Wire.