Getting back to school can be tough after a long summer. Although we may be a few weeks into back to school in our house hold, it can still be daunting getting up in the morning and trying to get out the door in time. I love to try and plan as much ahead as I can so I don't have to scramble so much after I get up. I'm always on the look out for new ways to keep me going and while I was at my local Kroger, came across two items I knew I wanted to share with you all!
1. Prepare- Preparation is key if you want to bring your lunch every day. Think about what you want for the week, make a list and go food shopping over the weekend. Prepare any foods that you can Sunday night so you don’t have to do as much when you get home from work each night. For instance, if you want veggies and hummus, wash and cut up the vegetables then pack them in a snack bag or container. I also write down everything I need in my phone so I don't forget anything once I enter the store.
3. Use Your Resources - When you have downtime, search for new recipes that are easy to prepare and can last in the fridge for a few days. This way you’re not preparing meals every single day. Again, preparation is key and so fun! I even love chatting with my coworkers about what simple things they like to bring/prep for too! You can swap each week too!
#NourishWhatsNext Special K at Kroger