3 Pakistani Soldiers Killed in Cross-border Attack by Tehreek-i-Taliban

Posted on the 01 April 2022 by Geetikamalik

At least three Pakistani soldiers were killed and five were injured in a terrorist attack carried out by Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan in the city of Miran Shah Waziristan in Pakistan. The terror attack came in the midst of TTP's efforts to increase his struggle against Pakistani forces since the Afghan Taliban took control of Afghanistan in August last year.

According to the Ani news agency, Tehreek-I-Taliban through the distribution of leaflets has asked people in the Province of Khost Afghanistan to support 'jihad' in Pakistan. TTP has been fighting with the Pakistani regime since 2007.

According to the International Forum for Rights and Security (IFFRAS), the Afghan Taliban cannot take any action to curb TTP, giving strength to the possibility of more attacks on the Afghan-Pakistani border along the Durand line.

According to IFFRAS, there is a belief that the Afghan Taliban will not allow TTP to carry out attacks on Pakistan. As per report, there are 3,000-5,000 fighters in Afghanistan, and family members from several terrorists want to live back in Pakistan.

Last month, the Minister of Home Affairs of Pakistan Sheikh Rashid said that talks with TTP could not move forward despite the help of the Afghan Taliban acknowledge that terrorist groups have increased their attacks throughout the country after the ceasefire throughout the month which collapsed on December 9. , 2021. Efforts to achieve peace pact Since then, with the help of Wazir, Mehsud and the Dawar tribe of North and South Waziristan has failed.

For the first time, Islamabad accused the Afghan regime to allow terrorist groups to operate on their land. At least 388 people died and 600 others were injured in a terrorist attack in the country in 2021, according to the Institute of Think Tank Pakistan based on Islamabad for conflict and security studies.