3 Moves to Target Butt Cellulite

Posted on the 01 April 2016 by Health_news

The fat that gets trapped in our skin ruins the appearance of our skin especially in the areas such as thighs, butt etc… It usually turns up on girls in their teens and is rarely found in men.

The reason behind that being the fact that men’s connective tissue that separate fat cells into compartments run criss-cross as compared to that of women whose fibers are honeycombed shaped that make it easier for the fat to bulge out of the fibers, like stuffing coming out of loose stitches.

Let’s be honest. Cellulite is not easy to get rid of. But you can try. With the right exercise plan and diet you can reduce the appearance of cellulite:

Here are 3 moves to bust that butt fat:

  • Single-leg Hip Raise

Lie face up on the floor with your left knee bent and your right leg straight. Hold your belly in.

Squeeze your glutes and raise your hips till your body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees. Hold your glutes and tummy tight for 5 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

  • Reverse Lunge

Stand straight with your hands on the side. Step backward with your right leg and lower your body until your left knee is bent at 90 degrees and yur right knee nearly reaches the floor. G back to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

  • Squat and side lift

Stand with your feet apart in width of shoulders with the hands of your hips and toes pointed out.

Bend at the knees and squat, as though sitting on a chair. Stop till you are parallel to the floor with your back straight. Make sure that the knees do not jut over your toes.

Then straighten your legs, lifting your leg off the floor and out to the side as you stand. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side.

Basically the trick is to work all your lower body muscles in every angle so that muscles build and melt the fat. So get out there and work those muscles.