3 MORE Social Media Tactics to Enhance Your Email Marketing

Posted on the 22 May 2019 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

With social media now in use by millions and billions of users (depending on platform), we thought it was time to revisit this article about social media tactics that any integrated marketer can use to enhance their email marketing. Social media has grown in leaps and bounds since we first published that piece, and we are now happy to offer three more social media tactics that you can use to enhance your email marketing efforts.

Tactic #1 - Run Dedicated Campaigns

Your emails don't always have to be complicated pieces with case studies or dense sales messages. Sometimes it's okay-preferred, even-to remind your audience about all of the other places they can find and engage with your organization. Run a dedicated campaign for each of the platforms where you have a social presence (or all of them, if you don't have very many). For example, send an email informing users what they will find on your Instagram account, and give them a reason to follow you there.

Tactic #2 - Offer Audience Incentives

It's human nature to ask, "what's in it for me?" when receiving a message asking us to take some kind of action. Providing your viewers with the "what's in it" for them encourages them to subscribe to your email list. Provide an incentive such as a discount off of the purchase price of a product or service from you, or a prize for participating. Encourage visitors to refer others and receive inducements for their efforts.

Tactic #3 - Include Social Sharing Buttons in Your Emails & Email Opt-In Forms on Social Media

Make the most of your social followers by cross-promoting your email and social accounts. If you have a large number of social followers, but not the correspondingly robust email list, encourage traffic from social to emails. Embed an email sign up form on your social pages and ask your fans and followers to subscribe.

Likewise, link openly and clearly to your social accounts in the body of your email-do not simply rely on the inclusion of chiclets at the bottom of the message. Ideally, the first contact you have with a new customer or prospect would include this information, but in lieu of initial contact, simply make sure that this type of message is shared at some point during your outreach efforts to new leads.

One Final Note

Both email marketing and social media outreach allow you the opportunity to connect with your audience. And each format has the added advantage of strengthening the other. Make sure that you are using the two in combination, not isolation. Do you already include this type of coordinated connection in your integrated marketing efforts? We'd love to hear about it!

Last modified: May 20, 2019