3 Factors That Are Most Important for Students Success

Posted on the 23 February 2022 by Global Indian International School @Global_Schools

For a successful professional career, it is crucial to start preparation right from school days. That’s why it’s no surprise that the most successful professionals develop good habits while studying. Thus, the student experience is crucial for one’s development to attain their full potential.

Apart from that, there are a few more aspects the child should focus on. Check out the following factors considered by the Cambridge IGCSE for student’s success: 

  • Even though grades are integral to academic success, they are not the defining moment of a student’s career. A student’s ability to interact socially outside the classroom is just as important as their grades. Furthermore, most long-term relationships have their origins in school, not in the workplace.
  • Schools offer more than just classrooms; they also provide conducive environments for students to study and learn. Libraries are usually equipped with learning materials (e.g., books, publications, e-books, etc.) and are updated regularly. Moreover, the best international schools in Malaysia have a separate cafeteria where students and faculty can relax during their free time. In addition to providing students with upgraded study areas, these cafeterias can also serve as a venue for socializing. 
  • Professional teachers who are both firm and sympathetic tend to be the most effective. Having strict rules helps instil discipline, but when 90% of the time students don’t reach their full potential, being strict won’t be helpful. Instead, it will only undermine students’ confidence and possibly even lead to long-term anxiety. Hence, there needs to be a perfect balance between discipline and encouragement on the part of instructors.

Good schools focus on these aspects to ensure a child’s holistic development. Thus, finding the best international school in malaysia or any other country is equally important.