3 Exquisite Scuba Diving Hubs in Philipines

By Ashik Gosaliya

There is an abundance of natural wonders in the South East Asian region with loads and loads of amazing sights for all kinds of travel junkies. The region has become much popular tourism hotspot within last few decades. The region has many small nations which are actually a collection of archipelagos, to be honest. There is no shortage of exotic sandy beaches and mesmerizing landscapes. When there are islands and beaches in extempore numbers, it is obvious that there are a plethora of places for the divers to explore. The Philippines is one country of this region that truly needs to be amongst the top priorities on the list of every scuba diver.

Being an archipelago that compiles more than 7100 islands in its territory, you can rest assured to see all you wish for your next dives. There are not just a number of diving spots but also a diverse range of marine world available in those diving spots. It is highly recommended to any aspiring diver to visit the Philippines if one wants to see many different marine ecosystems on one trip. You can easily find accommodations in the premium resorts of these islands at cheap prices using this Hotels.com voucher and enjoy your underwater expeditions as long as you want.

Here are 3 scuba diving spots in the Philippines which will all give a diverse experience of the marine world.


Tubbataha Reefs has been developed into a natural park which has also been included by the UNESCO amongst their list of World Heritage Sites. This island is located at the center of the Sulu Sea and is a part of the Coral Triangle. The park covers a distance of more than 900 square miles and consists of two stunning places for the divers to explore. The diving spot of this national park is known for its vast lagoons and astounding coral reefs. To put the diversity found under the water of Tubbataha into perspective, you can simply understand it by the fact that it serves as a home for more than 50% of all coral species of the world. Apart from those coral creatures, these waters are famous for having many varieties of big fishes including the Hammerhead sharks, Tiger Sharks, Whale Sharks, White Sharks, Black Tip Sharks to name a few.  Although one thing that a diver must keep in mind is that diving is only allowed in the Tubbataha waters from the month of March till the end of June.


It would be arguably the most favorite island of any person who loves nature. While the island itself is no less exotic, the water surrounding it is also no lesser amazing for diving. So after doing your island tripping to witness the white sandy beaches and incredible countryside locales, don’t miss out the opportunity to take a scuba dive in the nearby waters. If you leave this place without taking a dive, you would actually miss the best that the place could have offered you. There is the coral cover that has a very dramatic formation as it goes down deeper with its slope shaped structure. There is one small island in the Bohol region known as Pamilacan which is one of the most ideal places for Dolphins and Whale sightings. There are two other popular diving spots namely Balicasag and Cabilao, out of which Balicasag is a bit over-crowded with divers while Calilao is quite and left alone. You will easily spot many marine creatures under the water of this region, such as bump head fish, parrotfish, turtles and wrasses to name a few. To book an exotic stay at luxurious resorts of Bohol, use the Zenrooms Discount Code and get lowest prices on online bookings.


Coron is one of the parts of Calamianes Islands in the Palawan region of the Philippines. It is relatively popular amongst divers for its gorgeous setting and endless marine excursions. It is in fact amongst the most popular diving spots for professional divers who are in search of wrecks. It is so because of many shipwrecks which occurred in these water territories during the second world war most of which were carrying war ammunition, supply vessels and cargo making it an exciting prospect for treasure hunting.  But even if you take a dive for personal leisure, this diving spot would easily steal your heart with its impeccable sights and underwater experiences. One of its diving spots is Taiei Maru which offers one of the deepest dives that you can get in this region. Eagle Ray and Batfish are two popular marine creature that can only be found in this territory.