3 Easy Things You Can Do Today to Start Living a Full Life

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The average individual often feels like they could do more, be more, achieve more, and just be an all-round better version of themselves. Unfortunately, many people hardly ever go beyond the “idea” of who they can be or carry their potential too the grave. 

This is why the graveyard is often called the wealthiest place on earth –because many people die with latent potentials that could have possibly changed their lives and the world. 

We currently live in the most prosperous era known to man, which means that if you’re willing to apply yourself, you can live the life of your dreams. But to do that, you’ve got to start gradually and build until you’re where and who you want to be. Here’s how to do just that. 

Work on Your Mind

Who are you? What do you think of yourself? What do you say to yourself when no one is looking? What is your perception of who you are? Take a moment to think of that. 

If your perception is largely negative, then that’s where you need to start from. The easiest way to do this is to start reading books, listening to life-affirming audiobooks, and immersing yourself in acquiring knowledge that will help you believe in yourself. 

Ever heard the saying “within, then without”? It simply means you’ve got to see it first before it can become a reality. But to even see it first, you need to upgrade your mind and hack it first.  

Deal With Slight Health Problems

Health issues can slow you down and affect your self-confidence. While there are health conditions you can’t do anything about, there are some that you can manage. 

If you feel like your lack of confidence and ability stems from a slight disability that can be managed, modern technology has made it so that some of these issues can be corrected with medications, aids, and corrective devices. 

For example, people who are struggling with their hearing can choose one of the many popular hearing aid styles and improve their communicating ability. It’s better than worrying about it or losing your self-confidence because you feel less than you really are. This applies to other health conditions that you might have too. 

Set New Measurable Goals

Do you have daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly goals? If you don’t, now is a good time to start setting those goals, and actually go after them. For instance, if you want to lose weight and get fit, you can start exercising more or join workout programs that are known for their results. 

Even better, set realistic goals like losing 10 lbs in 8 weeks. Then follow up by setting daily and weekly milestones. For example, a weekly milestone might be to lose 1 to 1.5 lbs. every week. 

How you do that is completely at your discretion. From experience though, all you gotta do is portion control, and 15-20 minute exercise every day to achieve that. Apply this same principle to other parts of your life. Break down the goal into manageable parts or mini-tasks, and it’ll be easier to achieve!

Thank you for reading!