3 Easy School Lunch Ideas For Picky Eaters

By Cait @caitscozycorner
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 I know I know. You'r reading this thinking that there is no way we are already talking about back to school with it being July but hey- school really is just around the corner and in our household, that just means getting ready to go to our regular school and work routines. Part of that routine is packing the school lunches and not just any school lunches but healthy, affordable and delicious ones! 
The problem with that for my Mom ladies out there ( and myself ) is that packing school lunches can become more of a routine and not something fun. Sometimes my toddler just has the same thing for lunch day after day in her lunch and that doesn't help her expand her pallet or even myself! 
While out shopping at Publix the other day I came across Organic Valley Cheese Stringals that seemed perfect for my picky eater and noticed I could even save $1.25 off any Organic Valley Cheese! Who doesn't love savings. especially with a full line of organic cheeses such as shred, string, snack sticks, crumbles, cream cheese or blocks! This got me thinking what else I my little one would enjoy eating when it came packing her lunches. Here are 3 easy tips ! 

1. Make It Fun: I like to make fun shapes with sandwiches or a fun design with fruit if time permits for my daughters school lunch. Who says you can't play with your food and enjoy it too? 

2. Keep it Colorful: Always make sure that you're adding a range of color to your child's back to school lunch. I like to add 2 different fruits, 2 vegetables and a main entry for her to enjoy like pasta or a grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

3. Foods They Enjoy: I tend to pack at least 3 things I know my toddler is sure to eat including berries, carrots and Organic Valley Stringles. We both tend to devour these easy snacks and I love how convenient they are to pack not just for lunch but on the go as well!Organic Valley cheese are certified organic and never use any antibiotics, synthetic hormones, toxic pesticides or GMO. In fact, most of the cheese are also vegetarian friendly! 

Hopefully these tips will help inspire you and your kids to get creative, keep it colorful and always incorporating foods that they will eat as opposed to foods that they throw away. Of course, not all foods are going to eaten with a picky eater but you're on the right track ,especially incorporating delicious Organic Valley cheese with your lunch!