3 Best Free Ways to Increase Website Traffic

By Itzmealie @ideasonclick

Visitors are very important for any website and when you have got some initial visitors so you need to make them come back at your website and revisit it. But what are the ways to increase the return visitors at your website and why those visitors will come back at your website.

Content is the key of success to any website. If you are providing the great content and informative information visitors will come back to your website. Whenever any someone visits the website and user finds the informative and interesting website so user bookmark our site and try to revisit. If user will find the new content and information on his second or third visit user will come back again and again but if you will not update the website and user will have to see the same information on your website he saw on his first visit, you will start losing the visitors. So you need to keep updating your website on daily or weekly basis.

There are many things which plays a vital role in increasing your web traffic. You should use some plugins, gadgets etc. to increase traffic. One of the most important thing is share option. To install a share plugin to allow people to share your posts and pages on their profiles and social media.

Sharing Plugins:

There are many plugins to allow your users and visitors to share the content easily on different social media websites. I would recommend to use “share this” plugin. As I increased the good traffic and sharing with the help of this plugin. You can use this plugin on all CMS and other websites.

Email Marketing & Newsletter System:

Email marketing is an old used and not very strong now a days but still there is a hope and chance to get the visitors back to your website. You can send a weekly or fortnightly Newsletter  to your visitors which will help returning visitors back to your website. Don’t send too much emails, people will get sick of it and when you send too much emails, so filtering system start throwing your emails into spam folders.

How to send emails:

You should use some good services  for sending emails which will help you to send emails in the inbox instead of spam or junk folder. I would recommend you to use Aweber, which is one of the good service. You can use the FeedBurner’s free subscription system to offer your visitors to subscribe and get your website updates easily.