3 Additions to Make Your Home a Healthier, Happier Place

By Marialiberati

If you're looking to increase both your enjoyment of your home as well as your property value, there are a number of additions and improvements that you can focus on. A bonus of many of these improvements is that they can also improve your family's collective health. A few small changes can make a big difference overall.

Outdoor Pool

Many people find a pool to be a major bonus when they are looking for a new house to buy. An in-ground pool is a gorgeous addition to a backyard. Not to mention, swimming can help you stay in shape. Whether you want to swim laps or just swim around for a little bit, this is a great amenity for your property. Just make sure that you're maintaining the pool properly in order to protect your investment. Consider adding a fence for additional safety.

Flower Garden

Landscaping is very important when it comes to the curb appeal and value of your home. A flower garden is often one of the first exterior home improvement projects to be started and can add to a home's curb appeal. If you are the one that is going to be maintaining your garden, you'll reap a lot of benefits from this task and hobby. Getting outdoors and getting your hands dirty can really improve your mood. You'll be outside in the sunshine partaking in physical activity, breathing in some fresh air and appreciating the beauty of nature.

Planting Trees

Trees are a great way to build up your property. You can select some trees that are substantial in size, and you can have them planted all across your property. It will take a few years for them to really get going, but you'll have some beautiful shade and foliage soon enough. Trees can improve your health. When you plant trees in your yard, you can actually use them to filter out pollen during the spring and summer months. Trees also help improve the quality of the air that we breathe. If you are looking to make some beneficial additions to your property, think about what your budget is. You can likely afford to make some minor changes such as planting a flower garden. You may have to plan ahead a bit for trees.

Adding some beautiful new features to your home doesn't have to be difficult. With a plan in mind, you can carry out these new additions smoothly. Once these features are installed, watch your property value and your health improve!

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