2nd Green Revolution’s New Outpost: Japan!

Posted on the 21 June 2011 by 2ndgreenrevolution @2ndgreenrev

My first post in a while comes from Kashiwa City in Chiba prefecture in Japan. I’m currently in a manga kissaten (internet cafe) near the train station in order to get access to a keyboard and computer. My personal computer should arrive sometime next week. It’s been a hectic month or so of moving preparation; wrapping up things in the States and getting ready for the move to Japan. I arrived here on Wednesday and will be making this place my home for the next few years.

Eric will still be based in Denver for now and we plan to keep working on 2nd Green Revolution from the States and Japan. Once I get settled there will be more articles, and inevitably the experience of living in Japan will find its way into some of the posts. We hope this makes the site more international, unique, and interesting for readers. For now, this is just a quick post to let you know of the exciting news. In the meantime, feel free to send post ideas or submissions to info@2ndgreenrevolution.com.