28 Weeks, Plus: How to Avoid Bed-rest, Naturally

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

Third Trimester starts today!  What?!!

This has been, by far, my easiest pregnancy.  I even walked Disney World for 13 hours yesterday without an issue.  So, so, thankful.

In the past, Braxton Hicks contractions typically kick in around 26 weeks.  This isn’t a problem for most women, but for me, they can get out of control, sometimes having 20 or more in a day.

This has resulted in preterm labor signs in the past and has landed me on bed rest (modified with Henry for 6 weeks, FULL bedrest with Miles for 7… the longest weeks of my life!!!). Anyhow, this time around I am doing a few things to help prevent this from happening.

In the past I just kind of resigned to “this is what my body does”…not knowing that there are some really effective herbal remedies for keeping preterm labor symptoms at bay.

I have a new, wonderful, very natural-minded midwife who recommended this stuff:

It has successfully stopped cramping and preterm contractions in her patients for years!

 I ordered a bottle after my first appointment with her a few months ago, and am so glad to have it on hand, thankful that I haven’t needed it yet!

I’m also making sure I drink plenty of purified water – 4-6 quarts every day, as my body seems to need it.  I tend to be high-energy, which is great for productivity, not so great for resting.  So, I’m forcing myself to rest or nap every day for an hour.

I’ve also noticed that I have BH Contractions if I ever need to pee for longer than a few minutes…having a one-year-old at my ankles most of the time makes getting to go whenever I need to a bit difficult, eh?

I’ll also start limiting the physically or mentally tiring activities that I have done in the past:

  • No yard work, other than planting flowers or pulling weeds,
  • No lifting…except for my 27 lb 14 month old…have I mentioned my babies are big, juicy fatties?
  • I’m saying “no” to things I would normally do: volunteering in the Church nursery, helping friends move, community projects, etc.
  • Still trying to decide if I can participate in The Millions Against Monsanto March in my town later this month…really, really want to go!!
  • I’ve found a girl to come and clean my house every other week as well.

This is extremely hard for me because it makes me feel really selfish and lazy.  We even have a sweet friend from our bible study who has taken on mowing for us (Hank is terribly allergic to grass).

Anyhow, I’m having to remember my baby in all of this, and think of her health and well-being as my focus for this time of rest.

I can’t believe we will meet this sweet little girl in less than 3 months!

So far, so good!

live well. be well.