
By Jamie @Jamie_FitsofWit

COMPANY PROFILE Sunwing Energy Ltd. (太阳) is an oil and gas producer co-founded by Robert Friedland and Patrick Chua in 1994. Sunwing has two primary corporate objectives: 1) to bring in capital for low risk oil and gas development projects in China and 2) to use proven and existing western technology and management skills to operate in 柴纳。 In August 1996, Sunwing signed a petroleum contract (分娩) sharing contract [ PSC ] with China National Petroleum Corporation (中石油) to develop a portion of the Daqing Zhaozhou 油矿。 CNPC has since assigned its interest to its subsidiary, PetroChina Company Limited (中石油) This PSC allowed Sunwing to exploit an 8,100英亩 block of the Zhaozhou Oilfield, 60 miles southeast of Daqing in the Province of Heilongjiang in northeastern 柴纳。 Sunwing successfully completed a five-well pilot project in 1998 and obtained all regulatory approvals for its Overall Development Program (ODP) in 2001. In January 2002, following a portfolio review, Sunwing divested its majority interest in this PSC and currently holds a royalty 兴味。 In September 1997, Sunwing’s wholly owned subsidiary, Pan-China Resources Ltd. (Pan-China), signed a Kongnan PSC with CNPC to develop six blocks covering over 22,400 acres in the Dagang Oilfield in the Hebei 省。 Drilling and production testing of 82 exploration wells and seismic surveys by the Dagang Oilfield Group indicate an original oil-in-place of over 400 million barrels of 32 degree API crude within the Kongnan 障碍。 Pan-China has successfully completed a pilot project and is entering the development phase following the submission of an ODP。 The pilot program involved the workover of five of the 26 wells that produced oil intermittently when Pan-China took over this project, as well as the drilling and production testing of five new 威尔斯。 In this pilot program, Pan-China experienced significant success in increasing production through new drilling, as well as re-completion of older wells by over 300% of similar offsetting 威尔斯。 The ODP was initially approved by PetroChina and was subsequently submitted to the National Development & Planning Commission (NDPC) for 称赞。 Full-scale development of this area commenced in 2003. On June 22, 1999, Sunwing completed its merger with Black Sea Energy Ltd. and created a new global entity: Ivanhoe Energy Inc. (艾文霍 活力) Ivanhoe Energy has integrated the operations of the two predecessor companies into a unified organization that concentrates on significant oil and gas interests in California and Texas of the USA, China, Africa and the Middle East. While Sunwing has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Ivanhoe Energy, it remains active in China carrying on its business under the name of “Sunwing”. On April 3, 2000, Sunwing signed a Cooperation Agreement on a Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) Project Study with Chongqing Municipality, Southwest Oil & Gas Branch of PetroChina and a Consortium Group of Japanese Companies in the use of the revolutionary advanced technology to utilize and develop the Chinese inland natural gas 资源。 In May 2000, Sunwing’s parent company – Ivanhoe Energy secured a license to use Syntroleum Corporation’s proprietary, gas-to-liquids process in commercial-scale plants to convert natural gas into synthetic oil and transportation 竞选提神剂。 While Ivanhoe Energy is pursuing a definitive agreement with Qatar government for an unprecedented large scale GTL project, Sunwing will continue reviewing opportunities that this revolutionary technology can be applied economically in 柴纳。 On March 29, 2001, Sunwing signed two Joint Study Agreements (JSA’s) with PetroChina, which give Sunwing the exclusive right to negotiate petroleum contracts with PetroChina to develop and exploit the oil and gas reserves in three key blocks, Zitongxi, Zitongdong and Yudong, in the Sichuan Basin, China’s largest 产气 区域。 The blocks cover more than 1.9 million acres in the province of Sichuan and in the municipality of Chongqing, approximately 930 miles southwest of 现在称Beijing。 PetroChina has drilled 39 wells on the three blocks with 26 of these wells tested 瓦斯。 PetroChina has only production tested 8 of the estimated 38 hydrocarbon bearing structures located on these 障碍。 The entire Sichuan basin contains an estimated 245 TCF of gas, and annual production is approximately 270 BCF。 The preliminary joint evaluation of these blocks was completed in January 2003 by Sunwing and Petro柴纳。 The study indicated that the blocks contain at least 11 TCF of gas-in-place. On September 19, 2002, Sunwing, through its wholly owned subsidiary Sunwing Zitong Energy, signed a 30-year PSC with CNPC for the exploration, development and production in the Zitong Blocks (包罗) both Zitongxi and Zitongdong). In October 2002, CITIC Energy (a wholly owned subsidiary of China International Trust and Investment 公司) signed an agreement with Sunwing to pursue oil and gas interests in China and 国际上。 CITIC Energy’s first entry was joining Sunwing in the Yudong 议价出售。 It is anticipated that CITIC Energy will be a 20% shareholder of Sunwing initially; although CITIC Energy plans to ultimately own 50% of 太阳翼。 In March 2004, through its wholly owned subsidiary, CITIC farmed-in 40 % of the Kongnan PSC。 This is CITIC’s first attempt to participate in an oil development 文章。 In December 2005, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company, Inc. of Japan joined into Zitong exploration project by farming in 10% of 避孕器 interest for the Zitong Block in China’s Sichuan 水坑。 Through several years of operations in China, Sunwing has become very familiar with the petroleum, legal, cultural and operational environments in China, and has established a strong business network as 好。 Sunwing Energy has become a unique strategic investment vehicle for institutional investors who desire exposure to this vital 做切片。 公司简介 柴纳能源股份有限公司(Pan Hua能源)是我公司的全资分店,帝国能源股份有限公司(皇家能源)是罗伯特。 弗里德兰和蔡金锵教师于一九九四年协同创立的一家石油与气体预期勋绩公司。 帝国能源开端存在的两个次要准绳是::(1)引进资产务低风险的石油和气体在柴纳的开展;(二)运用海外慎重拟定的技术和能解决方式停止C。 一九九六年八月,朝代能源与柴纳石油气体群像公司(柴油群像)签字了勋绩大庆肇油矿经过区块的石油和约(不再反对陷于和约)。 后头柴油群像将其权利让予其分店柴纳石油气体股份股份有限公司(柴纳石油)。 和约容许帝国能源勋绩八千的面积。。 肇庆市油矿躺黑龙江东南方六十英里处,Nort。 帝国能源成抛光实验单位文章包罗五威尔斯I,总体开展方案已获内阁有关部门称赞。。 2002个月,公司资产重组后,帝国能源让和约的总共收入权利。,眼前有产者矿区的权利。 一九九七年菊月,朝代能源的全资分店泛华能源股份有限公司(泛华能源)与柴油群像就勋绩大港油矿内面积为二万二千四百英亩的六区块签字了孔南文章不再反对陷于和约,油矿躺河北境内。。 按照大港油矿的大变动考察和钻井, 孔南地块地质预订或保留超越4000万桶。 Pan Hua一帆风顺抛光实验单位任务。,在参考总体开展方案后,进入开展阶段。。 该文章的指导性实验包罗恢复眼前二十六口无信息的分娩井切中要害五口及钻五口新井并停止试采。 经过对老井和新井的恢复,帝国能源不再反对比接近度油井大四倍。,这是每一巨万的成。。 总体开展规划已经过柴纳石油,并参考国家开展方案委员会(STA)。 该地面的片面勋绩任务估计在相当国家开发方案委员会的称赞后于二零零三年开端。 1999年6月22日,朝代能源与黑海能源股份有限公司兼并结合了新的多国公司——艾芬豪能源股份有限公司(艾芬豪能源)。 艾芬豪能源将两家公司的事情集合起来,关怀美国加州和高级房舱。、柴纳、非洲的和中东的油气勋绩。 只管朝代能源已相当艾芬豪能源的全资分店,她还有力的开展事情在柴纳的名字切中要害帝国。 二零零零年四月三日,帝国能源与重庆市内阁、柴纳石油西北油气田子公司和日本生意套餐签字了任一气体分解油(GTL)文章谈论结合工作科学实验报告,用富反动、无效服用和勋绩气体资源的先进技术。 2000年5月,朝代能源的总公司——艾芬豪能源取等等美国分解油公司()分解油技术的专利权运用,挥向是在经商上服用不用说遗传转变技术。。艾芬豪能源正就任一史无前例的大型材气体分解油文章与卡塔尔内阁洽淡结合工作科学实验报告,此外,皇家能源公司将持续评价COMM的经商机会。 2001年3月29日,皇家能源公司与中石油签字了两项结合谈论科学实验报告。。 这两个科学实验报告授予了帝国能源对NEGO的把持权。,开展在柴纳最大的气体分娩区、三个要紧混乱、梓潼东部和重庆东部的油气资源。 三块躺四川和重庆,约九百安。,总面积超越9000万英亩。 柴纳石油在这三个区块中钻了三十九个威尔斯。,流行二十六种是瓦斯威尔斯。 柴纳石油仅检测三十八个含油气八个建造。 囫囵四川水坑约占二百四十五兆。,眼前年不再反对约为二千七百亿立方公尺。。 帝国能源和柴纳石油在J抛光初步结合评价。 评价揭露,这三个区块有超越十数万亿立方尺的气体资源。。 二零零二年菊月十九日,朝代能源经过其全资分店泛华能源与柴油群像签字了说起梓潼区块(包罗梓潼西和梓潼东)预期、三十年的分娩和产出被分为。 2002年10月,中信广场能源(柴纳国际信托公司全资),在任务形势,柴纳在全球石油和气体产业。 中信广场能源与帝国能源的结合工作将从。 中信广场能源方案终极保存帝国能源的百分之五十岁。、估计在最初就有百分之二十个一组。。 二零零四年进行曲中信广场群像经过其全资分店里格孔南不再反对陷于文章,其权利为百分之四十。。 这是中信广场群像初进入石油工程势力范围。。 二零零五年decorate 装饰,日本三菱瓦斯物质的化学组成株式会社里格朝代梓潼能源股份有限公司在柴纳四川水坑梓潼区块气体预期开文章,推进和约百分之十的权利。 经过在柴纳几年的使运转,帝国能源是如所周知的柴纳、法度、修养与运转仪式,扩大权力大的的事情联系电网络。 向这么跳动的信念中有夙愿的出资者来说,,帝国能源已相当一种原型的战术值得买的东西器。。