275. The Hindsight Year

By Piperade
2nd January 2020. Happy New Year! I can't believe we're already 20 years on from the Millennium. Remember all the media uncertainty and hype about Y2K and what might happen if all our computers went on the fritz?
My ears pricked up when I heard this playing on the radio earlier today - "Sheep may safely graze" by J S Bach - a piece that's long been a favorite of mine. Here, it's sung beautifully by the University of Redlands choir, California, in 1957. I wonder how many of them are still with us? Enjoy! The Mormon Tabernacle Choir can always be relied on to provide a wonderfully polished performance and while they don't disappoint here, I just prefer the version above. 
Here's the same piece - but this time it's performed / rendered / mangled (you decide) on the Moog synthesiser. From the image of Herr Bach that appears early in the video, you could be excused for thinking that he's been over-indulging with the Bolivian Marching Powder! 
Here's another favorite piece, Schubert's "The Trout".. (start at 29:52)