2/7 Quopic – Season 4 Revisited

Posted on the 07 February 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

Being a native of the UK I have made it my mission to find a quopic from each episode of True Blood season 4 over the next 12 weeks as it finally legally airs over here. Will 6 months have dulled the pain? Will I be able to look at it more constructively? Well one thing is for sure, I enjoyed episode one the other night, there’s some good stuff in there that I had all but forgotten about. And by good stuff of course I mean good Eric stuff. Sure, Bill Compton bugged the hell out of me, but that’s nothing new, he’s done that since the night his mournful, lying face first appeared in Bon Temps.

It was a hard call. Eric’s sexy public service address was completely inspired in the way it was interwoven with Bill’s smarmy political speech. I certainly know which one I would trust if my life depended on it. And the final scene in Sookie’s bedroom is one of the sexiest scenes in True Blood EVER. Just don’t get me started on the growl, because if I start I won’t stop.

In the end I’ve gone for Eric and Sookie meeting up again for the first time, after her return from the land of fairy-fail. Eric calmly tells Sookie and the audience what the state of play has been whilst she was away.

Understand this – everyone who claims to love you, your friends, your brother, even Bill Compton, they all gave up on you. I never did.

Yes, Sookie do listen to him (of course she will) Jason has moved on and sold the house, Andy has moved on and didn’t get his plaque (ok perhaps he didn’t love her but I like the plaque bit), Alcide, we will discover, has moved on and moved Debbie back in, and as for Bill, he’s been so busy participating in the cold-blooded assignation of his reigning monarch, and sexing up his wiccan spy, he’s probably hardly noticed she was gone. Eric of course, not only bought her house so she would have a home to return to, but from the clues we are given, has been spending an awful lot of his time there patiently waiting for her return.

Oh and then there’s his exit line.

Don’t forget to let us know what you thought were the highs and lows of episode one, or is it all just a dull blur these days?

Gorgeous Eric gif from graciousplenty
