268 Poppies

By Amyorangejuice

268 poppies , one for every man from the local area who died in World War One. Each made by hand to recognize the sacrifices made 100 years ago defending our country.

These poppies are made from wire and tissue paper, with a painted center and they are hung round The Great Anchor (between the Train Station and Teignmouth and Shaldon Museum). We are asking people to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the Great War by photographing the poppies as they disintegrate over the coming days and emailing an image to us at westsidestoryproject@gmail.com A selection of these images will be exhibited in the museum when it opens again in the spring as part of their World War One exhibition.

 The poppies took around 60 people 20 hours to make and we will watch them disintegrate over the coming week in contemplation of the futility of war.

The Teign Heritage Centre  funded me to run 10 workshops in Teignmouth, with older people and families in the Museum, TAAG, Leander Court and at The Meadow Centre Craft Group. Many thanks to all the hands that helped with the flowers, I hope you agree they look extremely striking, we got lots of very positive comments whilst setting it up.

Many thanks to Museum Volunteer Christina Siviter for helping me install the artwork.