250+ Money Affirmations For Financial Abundance and Wealth

Posted on the 15 January 2023 by Finnichvessal

Finances can be disheartening and frustrating. Here are our favorite "money mantras." This is a cheat sheet for times you need affirmation.

These money affirmations might help you feel peaceful and positive about your finances.

Affirmations are positive words about completed goals.

Daily affirmations are part of practicing the law of attraction, where you put your wishes out into the universe to actualize. You attract your concentration.


Wealth affirmations are about money and you. It can be about how you handle money, what you do with it, or how much you make.

Affirmations can change your money story and help you overcome money hurdles. However, they are only part of it. Must...

  1. Are you focused on scarcity or abundance?
  2. Manifestation and the law of attraction use affirmations. Use them with hard effort and determination.
  3. Money-win! Prepare the stage and props.
  4. SMART financial objectives (this is the actual work)

There are powerful affirmations about money on the list...

Some sentences are quite similar, but one word, a little alteration in tone, or meaning can make all the difference.

Print the list, check all that apply and then restrict each section to 3 options. Repeat the phrases until one seems "truer" to you.

Each segment doesn't need one. Use this list to define your financial goals.

Money mantras are comparable to affirmations.

According to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, mantras are words, sounds, or invocations in Sanskrit or another language that help focus concentration and meditation while joining the individual with a higher force.

They strive to liberate the mind from thought to allow inner calm.

A money mantra helps us focus when we're irritated, depressed, or can't rest our minds so we may transition from a scarcity to an abundance perspective.

A money mantra is short, repeated often, and has a cadence.

  1. Prosperity within me, prosperity around me.
  2. Money is energy, so money is good.
  3. I am abundant, rich, wealthy, deserving, and worthy.
  4. My life is full of wealth beyond money.
  5. Money is in my mind. My mind creates money.
  6. I will be healthy, wealthy, and happy.
  7. I am happy, healthy, and wealthy.
  8. I love money, and money loves me.
  9. Money comes easily, frequently, and abundantly.
  10. Every day, in every way, I am becoming richer and more prosperous.
  11. I think like a millionaire. I act like a millionaire, I feel like a millionaire, I am a millionaire.
  12. Abundance within me, abundance around me.
  13. I radiate prosperity, money, and wealth.

As I said before, what you tell yourself is what you end up believing.

Now, this can take a while, but think about how long we've been telling ourselves something, saying it to ourselves several times a day, or just feeling it.

What do you usually say to yourself when you look in the mirror? Or, how do you feel when you look at the amount of money in your bank account?

Affirmations work on both the conscious and unconscious mind. At first, we say a phrase that sounds silly, but we know we "should" say it again and again, so we do.

At some point, those little bits of positive reinforcement start to sink in on a subconscious level, and they keep growing as long as we keep working. In the end, they take the place of negative thoughts.

Jack Canfield, an expert on personal development, says that positive affirmations "help get rid of negative and limiting beliefs and change your comfort zone from one that keeps you stuck in mediocrity to one where anything is possible."

It helps you say "I can" instead of "I can't" and replace your fears and doubts with confidence and certainty.

It's using the power of positive energy to get rid of negative beliefs and develop a positive way of thinking, which can then help bring about positive change.

First, you have to write down your affirmation. Then, you have to say it often (aka daily is ideal). Check out how Gem starts writing her positive affirmations and how she does it.

I hope you got how she put her affirmations together. "as if it had happened already." This is crucial!

Writing in a journal can be a great way to help you sort out your thoughts and feelings.

Keeping a money journal is so helpful, not just in the present, but also for looking back and seeing how far you've come.

The purpose of this article is to help you better understand the structure of a positive affirmation (and what makes it so powerful).

  1. Keep it personal by starting with "I am" and not talking about other people. No one else is here but you.
  2. In the present tense, we say things as if they are true right now.
  3. It should be said in a positive way, not in a bad way. So instead of saying "I won't spend money on fast food anymore," say "I'll spend my money on healthy food that I make at home." In short, say what you do want instead of what you don't want.
  4. Make it clear enough for you to picture it.
  5. Keep it short and something that will be easy to remember.
  6. Use words that show how you feel, like lovingly, gratefully, happily, excitedly, easily, confidently, joyfully, hopefully, and so on.
  7. Say (or write) them with feeling and self-assurance!

If you can't think of what you should say in your affirmations, think about the bad things you say to yourself. These are limiting beliefs, or thoughts that are keeping you from getting what you want.

Write them down, then write the opposite of what you just wrote. Then add words that show how you feel and make it present tense. Done!

Affirmations work best when you say them often (at least once a day) or when you are feeling a certain way (i.e., overwhelmed, depressed, stressed out, etc.).

But the most important thing is to use an affirmation practice regularly.

A lot of people do them in the morning or evening. This is also known as stacking habits (tying one new thing you want to make a habit onto an already existing habit).

Set up your environment, put on some music that calms you down, and make sure you are in a clean, comfortable place.

You might want to start by writing in a journal to clear your mind and calm your body. Then start repeating your money mantra and positive money affirmations.

Say them as many times as you need to feel your energy change if you have a lot of time (see Gem video above).

At first, it might feel strange, but as you do them more, you'll get used to them. Don't expect anything from your practice.

Just do it and be present. Allow yourself to change and grow.

I've always said that I'm a skeptic with hope. I want to believe, but I'm not sure yet, and it will take some time for me to change my mind.

That makes sense, but I know it's stopping me. I need to give it my all, and really, what do I (or you) have to lose? Nothing.

Let's take a minute to hear how some people who believe in the power of positive thinking and powerful affirmations have changed their lives.

You could say that affirmations helped them get into the mindset of a millionaire.

Oprah Winfrey - She talks a lot about the power of the law of attraction, her part in "The Color Purple," and her success since then. She says, "The way you think creates the reality for yourself."

Jim Carrey - He wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered" with a date five years in the future and kept it in his wallet. His first big role was in Dumb & Dumber, for which he made $10 million.

Lady Gaga - She always knew she would be famous, and for years she told herself that over and over again. "Every day you say it to yourself... It's not true yet, so it's a lie. You keep telling the same lie over and over, and one day it comes true."

Even though everyone is different, I think it helps to see what other people are doing. So I thought I'd share my money mantra and list of money affirmations...

  1. You are a money magnet.
  2. Money flows freely to me.
  3. I release all resistance to attracting money. I am worthy of a positive cash flow.
  4. There is always more than enough money in my life.
  5. I naturally attract good fortune.
  6. I am financially free.
  7. My income exceeds my expenses.
  8. I deserve to be paid for my skills, time, and knowledge.
  9. I have a positive relationship with money and know how to spend it wisely.
  10. My income increases constantly.

In order to achieve my financial goals, I am focused on reaffirming that I deserve more money.

It's important to know that affirmations are just words and won't make you rich overnight. You need to plan your finances and work hard to back them up. Both can help you reach your financial goals.

It's also important to keep learning when using affirmations for wealth and plenty. Find new ways to improve your chances of success. You never know when a book you read might come in handy.

If you know someone with a lot of money, ask them for advice. Conversations with friends can lead to great chances. Some experts are more likely to give advice to someone they know.

Read one or two books about how to handle your money. One more way to make more money is to learn how to invest safely.

If you want to use these affirmations, it's best to say a few of them three or five times in a row. You can say them when you wake up before you go to sleep, or before meals. Choose a time that works well for you.

You could also write or print them on a card and carry it with you. It should be small enough that you can put it in your bag or backpack.

Then, when you're feeling down or have some free time, you can look at them and maybe repeat them.

Putting a card on your desk at work is also a good idea. Even if you don't read the affirmations out loud, just looking at them can boost your motivation. This also helps you remember the words over time.

You might have to say the affirmations for a few weeks before you can tell if they work or not.

This is because it takes the brain longer to switch from one state of mind to another. But if you keep at it long enough, you'll start going in the right direction.

Better financial knowledge and making better decisions are both good signs. But since everyone's circumstances are different, the effects will be different for each person.

At some point, your friends and family might notice a change in how you feel and how much money you have.

Even though it's tempting to stop here, keep in mind that money can go away just as quickly as it came in. Don't let your guard down, and always manage your money in a safe way.

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Even if you want to be wealthy, not everyone is naturally good with money.

Still, you can learn how to change your way of thinking to make more money. You can do this with the help of these money affirmations.

You can also try out different things and do let me know if these really changed the way you think!