A few years ago I listened to Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly { review here}. Throughout the book there were numerous references to songs and bands both from the present and during the French Revolution. Of course, I had to find out if there was a list anywhere on the web with all of the titles mentioned which is when I discovered mixtapes for books! What an awesome idea!
Since that discovery about four years ago, I've made a habit of checking on books and authors I'm especially fond of to see if there's a 'mixtape.' Below is a list of just a few I've been able to curate for you. I hope you enjoy!
Most of the links are to Spotify. No purchase necessary and these are not affiliate links {not even sure Spotify has those?}. You may have to open a free account if you do not have one already.
Mixtapes for Books
Carlos Ruiz Zafón The Shadow of the Wind | The Angel's Game | The Prisoner of Heaven
Stephen King Dr. Sleep | The Dark Tower
Rainbow Rowell Landline | Fangirl | Eleanor and Park
JoJo Moyes One Plus One | Me Before You
Deb Harkness A Discovery of Witches | Shadow of Night | The Book of Life
Luanne Rice The Lemon Orchard | The Night Before
John Green Looking for Alaska | Paper Towns | All the Bright Places
Music for Book People created by Gayle Forman
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James
Sweetbitter by Stephanie Danler
A Little Life by Hanya
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
IQ84 by Haruki Murakami
Just Kids by Patti Smith
Sarah J. Maas has a playlist for each book written! this link takes you to her page with links to each book's playlist {most of her books have multiple playlists}
Alexandra Bracken also has a playlist for each book written! this link takes you to her page with links to each book's playlist {most of her books have multiple playlists}
I've started a Pinterest board and would love to add any mixtape you've found for a book to this list. Leave me a link in the comments and I'll put together a giant resource for us fanatical music AND book lovers 😉
*linking to The Broke and The Bookish Top Ten Tuesday