25 Days of Christmas: Day 18

By Katieemay @katieemay1
Only one week left till Christmas Day! Which means there's only two weeks left till the end of the year which is mental! This year has gone so quickly and so much has happened and it's over. But Christmas spirits are high in the house at the moment and I'm so excited for the week ahead! But on with today's blogmas post which is...When do you open your Christmas presents?

It varies from year to year to be honest but this years deal I've made with my dad is no earlier than 7:30am, which is fair. When I was little it was 5 or 6 in the morning and once, when my brother and his wife were staying with us with their newborn (a few months old!) baby, it was 4:30am because he woke up but I was already awake. I have a stocking on my bedroom door which I always take to my mom and dad's bedroom to open and then we go downstairs and feed the dog and cats and mom makes a cup of coffee before we go into the living room to open all the presents.
Stay tuned for tomorrows post!
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