23 Benefits of Drinking Lemon and Apple Cider Vinegar Water

By Prettylittleinspirations @SweetMomentsCap

Drinking water in the morning is important to keep your body hydrated but why not add lemon juice and apple cider vinegar for extra health benefits. Just add 1/2 - 1 whole lemon and 2-3 tsp. of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to warm water. You can add a little raw unfiltered honey for better taste - raw honey also has good health benefits.

Lemon Water Benefits

1. Boosts your immune system - lemons are full of Vitamin C to boost your immune system.
2. Excellent source of potassium - which is good for your heart health, brain and nerve function. 
3. Cleanses your system - flushes out unwanted toxins.
4. Alleviate skin problems - decreases blemishes and wrinkles.
5. Helps aid in weight loss - lemons contain pectin fiber, which helps fight hunger cravings.
6. Natural blood purifier
7. Balances your pH level
Naturally energizes you - also helps reduce anxiety and depression.
9. Helps fight viral infections  
10. Alkaline in the body
11. Aids digestion - helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion like heartburn, burping, and bloating.
Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits (raw & unfiltered)

1. Very rich in enzymes and potassium
2. Helps clear up acne - as well as skin conditions like eczema and acne.
3. Promotes weight loss - by stabilizing the blood sugar and helping control appetite.  

4. Fights sickness - natural antiseptic, antibiotic and germ fighter.
5. Aids digestion 
6. Helps relieve allergies - unique blend of vitamins, minerals and enzymes
7. Reduces inflammation.
8. Balances blood sugar - lowers glucose levels which helps improve insulin sensitivity.
9. Balances pH level
10. Helps dissolve kidney stones
11. Lowers levels of fatigue - apple cider vinegar is filled with magnesium.
12. Helps prevent arthritis - magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium are essential minerals.
and many more... the benefits are endless!
Drink it first thing in the morning and wait 15-30 minutes to eat. This will help you fully receive the benefits of lemon and apple cider vinegar water.
Is lemon water and/or apple cider vinegar a part of your daily routine? If not, will you be adding it to your daily routine?