2/16 – Half Marathon Training

Posted on the 17 February 2014 by Christopher Orr @BlkSwmpRunnr

My road to recovery technically begins tomorrow when I start day 1 of my 1/2 marathon training program. But, like so many other runners, I am damnably impatient and have been working off the first week’s workouts all week to see what pace I should be training to run at Glass City. As it turns out, I am safe working at a sub-1:45, but I hope to drop down and be able to train towards a sub-1:30.

Today was listed as a long run – 10mi @ 9:18/mi. I have gotten absolutely sick of treadmill running, so Stacy and I traveled to the Fort Meigs.YMCA so I could use their indoor track. Found out when I got there, it is a SERIOUSLY short track. Honestly, a 1/16 length indoor track is kinda brutal. 180 laps to complete this 10mi run, and oblivious people make a narrow track even more dangerous.

I’m still riding high on the Racing Weight diet – this run felt much easier than I anticipated. I never realized just how badly I had been restricting my intake to lose weight until I picked up Racing Weight and worked it out.

Garmin Connect for 2/16 training run