21 Days of Gratitude: Day 11 – the Best Snot-sucker-outer Ever & RC Essential Oil

By Lindsayleighbentley @lindsayLbentley

You. Guys.

I don’t know what is flying about in the air here, but the boogie situation in my home is OUT. OF. CONTROL.

So you may think this is dumb, but I am dead serious.

Day 10: I am thankful for the most amazing booger/snot sucker ever.

Let’s be honest, these guys don’t work:

All that I ever accomplish with them is thoroughly pissing off the poor child whose nose is being prodded against their will.  You have never heard such screaming as when I try to use this worthless piece of crap on Miles.


click for Amazon link:

My babies still hate it, but at least it freaking WORKS!!

This thing is as effective as it is gross. And, people, it is disgusting.  But the good kind of disgusting.

Like “How could that much gunk be up in one tiny little nose?” disgusting.

And no, you won’t get any snot in your mouth, there’s a filter.  I do like that it’s really easy to rinse – I always felt like I never was able to get those bulb things totally clean…ick.

The first time I saw this snot sucker I swore I would never use it because it looked so gross.  But when it’s 2am and your baby is snorting around miserably, and you are fighting with that horrible little bulb, I promise, you will want one.

So, for these especially snotty days, we are using this glorious instrument, and this wonderful essential oil (just a dab on the chest, throat, and neck helps clear away the gunk and soothe hoarse throats like magic.)

RC is also available HERE on Amazon.

ahhh…thanks, snot sucker.  I heart you.

live well. be well.